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how much are customized sorority sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-10

Customized sorority sweatshirts are a great way to show your affiliation and pride in your sorority. They make excellent gifts, and can also be used for promotional events or fundraisers.

But how much do customized sorority sweatshirts actually cost? The price can vary depending on several factors, including the design, the materials used, and the quantity ordered.

In this article, we will delve into the world of customized sorority sweatshirts and discuss everything you need to know about how much they cost.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Customized Sorority Sweatshirts

Design Complexity

The complexity of the design is one of the most significant factors that affect the cost of customized sorority sweatshirts. The more intricate the design, the more time and effort it will take to create and print, resulting in a higher price.

Simple designs, such as the sorority's name or symbols, will generally be more affordable than more detailed designs, such as those that incorporate multiple colors or have a lot of text.

Materials Used

The materials used in the production of customized sorority sweatshirts also affect the overall cost.

Most customized sweatshirts are made from cotton or a cotton blend. However, you can opt for heavier fabrics, such as fleece or even organic cotton, which will increase the price of the garment.

You can also choose from a range of printing methods, such as screen printing, embroidery, or heat transfer, each with different costs and levels of durability.

Quantity Ordered

The quantity of customized sorority sweatshirts ordered is also a crucial factor in determining the price. Bulk orders are typically less expensive per garment than individual ones.

If you are ordering in bulk, the price per sweatshirt may be lower, as the printing company can optimize their production process and save time and resources.

Shipping and Taxes

Additional expenses, such as shipping and taxes, should also be considered when calculating the price of customized sorority sweatshirts.

Depending on the shipping method and distance, the shipping cost may vary. Taxes also vary depending on the state or country where you order the sweatshirts.

How Much Can You Expect to Pay for Customized Sorority Sweatshirts?

The price of customized sorority sweatshirts varies widely depending on the factors above.

On average, you can expect to pay between $30 and $60 for a customized sorority sweatshirt. However, this price may vary based on the design, materials used, quantity, and shipping costs.

If you are ordering in bulk, such as for a sorority event, you may be able to negotiate a lower price with the printing company.

Where Can You Order Customized Sorority Sweatshirts?

When it comes to ordering customized sorority sweatshirts, you have several options.

You can order through a local printing company or an online retailer. Many sororities also have preferred vendors that offer customized apparel, including sweatshirts.

It's essential to research the vendor's reviews and ratings before placing an order to ensure they provide quality products and excellent customer service.


In summary, customized sorority sweatshirts are an excellent way to represent your affiliation and pride with your sorority. The cost of these sweatshirts varies depending on several factors, including the design complexity, materials used, quantity, and shipping costs.

When ordering customized sorority sweatshirts, it's essential to research the vendor's reviews and ratings to ensure you receive a quality product. Whether you order through a local retailer or online, customized sorority sweatshirts are a fantastic way to show your sorority spirit.

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