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why do sweatshirts get rough

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-07-18

Why Do Sweatshirts Get Rough?

When it comes to clothing, one of the most comfortable and versatile items in your wardrobe is the sweatshirt. A sweatshirt is a staple of lazy days, lounging around the house, and even going out on errands. But have you ever noticed that after a while, your favorite sweatshirt might start to feel rough and scratchy? Maybe the fabric feels more like sandpaper than soft fleece. So what causes sweatshirts to get rough, and how can you prevent it?

1. Fabric Breakdown

The first reason why a sweatshirt might start to feel rough is simple wear and tear. Over time, the fabric that makes up your sweatshirt can start to break down, losing its softness and pliability. Factors that may contribute to this breakdown include:

- Repeated washing and drying: Each time you wash and dry your sweatshirt, the fabric is exposed to heat and friction, causing it to break down faster.

- Harsh detergents or fabric softeners: Certain detergents and softeners can strip the natural oils from the fabric, making it less soft and more prone to breakage.

- Stretching: If you frequently stretch your sweatshirt, particularly along the seams or cuffs, it can weaken the fabric and cause it to become rougher over time.

2. Pilling

Another common cause of roughness in sweatshirts is pilling. Pilling occurs when small balls or pills of fabric start to form on the surface of the garment. This is particularly common in areas of the sweatshirt that rub against other clothing or skin, such as the underarms or inner sleeves. Pilling can be caused by a number of factors, including:

- Friction: The more your sweatshirt rubs against other surfaces, the more likely it is to pill.

- Quality of fabric: Some fabrics are more prone to pilling than others, particularly those made of shorter fibers or looser weaves.

- Washing and drying: Rough handling during washing and drying can cause the fabric to pill more easily.

3. Washing Habits

How you care for your sweatshirt can also contribute to its roughness over time. Some common habits that can make a sweatshirt rough include:

- Over-washing: If you wash your sweatshirt every time you wear it, you may be exposing it to unnecessary wear and tear.

- Hot water: Washing your sweatshirt in hot water can damage the fabric and strip it of its natural oils, making it less soft.

- High heat: Drying your sweatshirt on high heat can also damage the fabric, especially if it is made of synthetic materials. Opt for a lower heat setting or air drying instead.

4. Environmental Factors

Finally, there are some environmental factors that may contribute to the roughness of your sweatshirt:

- Humidity: High humidity can make sweatshirts feel damp and heavy, which can contribute to roughness over time.

- Sun exposure: If you hang your sweatshirt outside to dry in the sun, the UV rays can damage the fabric and cause it to become rougher over time.

- Chemical exposure: If your sweatshirt comes into contact with harsh chemicals or acids, such as bleach or chlorine, it can damage the fabric and make it rough.

Preventing Roughness in Sweatshirts

So how can you prevent your sweatshirts from becoming rough and scratchy? Here are some tips:

- Wash less frequently: Unless your sweatshirt is visibly dirty, you can probably wear it a few times before washing it. This will reduce the amount of wear and tear it experiences.

- Use gentle detergents: Opt for a mild, fragrance-free detergent to protect the fabric and prevent stripping.

- Wash in cold water: Cold water is gentler on fabric and will help preserve its softness.

- Dry on low or air dry: Avoid high heat settings when drying your sweatshirt. Instead, opt for a low heat or air dry setting to reduce damage.

- Store properly: When you're not wearing your sweatshirt, store it in a cool, dry place to prevent humidity and sun damage.


While sweatshirts are known for their softness and comfort, they can become rough and scratchy over time. This is often due to wear and tear or pilling, but can also be caused by washing habits, environmental factors, and exposure to harsh chemicals. By taking steps to care for your sweatshirt properly, you can help prevent roughness and keep it feeling soft and cozy for years to come.

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