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what causes pilling on sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-07-27

Pilling on Sweatshirts: Causes and Preventive Measures

Sweatshirts are a versatile piece of clothing that can be worn in many different settings, from lounging around at home to running errands in the cold weather. However, the downside of wearing sweatshirts is that they often develop small balls of fuzz on the surface, which are called pills. Pilling is a common problem with many types of clothing, including sweatshirts, and can cause the fabric to look worn out and less appealing. In this article, we will explore the causes of pilling on sweatshirts and some preventive measures that will help keep your favorite sweatshirt looking great for a long time.

What is pilling?

Before we dive into the causes of pilling, let's first understand what it is. Pilling is the result of loose fibers on the surface of the fabric rubbing against each other, causing them to form into small balls of fabric. These balls of fabric are known as 'pills.' Pilling occurs when fibers become loose and break off from the fabric, often becoming tangled with other fibers. Over time, the pills can grow in size, making the fabric of your sweatshirt look worn out and even feel uncomfortable against your skin.

Causes of pilling on sweatshirts

1. Low quality materials

One of the primary causes of pilling on sweatshirts is low-quality materials. When a sweatshirt is made from cheap, synthetic materials that are prone to break easily, it's more likely to develop pills. Higher quality materials, such as natural fibers like cotton and wool, are less likely to pill.

2. Rough surfaces

Another reason why sweatshirts may develop pills is due to rough surfaces. When the fabric rubs against something rough, such as a backpack, seatbelt, or rough surface, it can cause the fibers to break down and pills to form.

3. Friction

Another common cause of pilling on sweatshirts is repetitive friction. Regular wear and tear cause the fibers of the sweatshirt to rub against each other, breaking apart and forming pills.

4. Washing and Drying

Washing and drying sweatshirts can also contribute to pilling. When sweatshirts are washed and dried at high temperatures, the fibers can break down and pill. Additionally, washing the sweatshirt with other garments that have zippers or hooks can cause friction, leading to even more pilling.

Preventive Measures

1. Choose high-quality fabrics

One of the best ways to prevent pilling on your sweatshirt is to choose high-quality fabrics. Natural fibers, such as cotton and wool, are less likely to pill than synthetic materials.

2. Wash sweatshirts inside out

Washing sweatshirts inside out can help prevent pilling. When turned inside out, the fabric of the sweatshirt is less likely to rub against other garments, reducing the chances of pilling.

3. Wash sweatshirts in cold water

Washing sweatshirts in cold water is also key to preventing pilling. Cold water will help preserve the fibers of the sweatshirt, reducing the chances of pilling.

4. Air dry or tumble dry on low heat

When drying sweatshirts, it's best to air dry or use a low heat setting on the dryer. High-temperature drying can cause the fibers to break down and pill.

5. Avoid rough surfaces

Avoid rubbing your sweatshirt on rough surfaces, such as backpacks, seatbelts, or rough walls. These surfaces can cause the fibers to break down and pill.


Pilling can be frustrating when it comes to sweatshirts, but it's a common problem that can be prevented with proper care. By choosing high-quality materials, washing and drying the garment properly, and avoiding rough surfaces, you can keep your favorite sweatshirt looking great for a long time. With these preventive measures, you can avoid the frustration of pilling and enjoy your sweatshirt for years to come.

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