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The trip of Ingor Team in Xunliao Bay

The trip of Ingor Team in Xunliao Bay


Ingor team has a deep memory in the trip of Xunliao Bay.Let us known what is the forces of unity.

Ingor team building

On 30th June -1st July, Ingor company organizes to Xunliao Bay. This news lead to us very excitement. Everyone is looking forward to the day when we are informed. Our company has traditional active that will organize employees to go out to play, the destination is make us to relax and to learn how to improve communication and understanding, encourage team spirit.

Xunliao Bay is located in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, is an 4A international tourism resort. It is the one of famous tourism town in China. It stretches for 11 kilometers, the beach’s sandy is soft and contains 99% sillcon, it’s hard to see all over the world. The seawater is crystal clear. Therefore, it is called “the Hawaii of east”.

The trip is divided into two parts.

Ingor team building

The first part is called the force of unity. The day afternoon ,we played three different games, everyone was focus on the game and try best to finish. The last game is deep impressed by all people. There is a wall of 4.2 meters high, the requirement is that all people must climb up. At the beginning, we had six male colleagues standing at the bottom, standing on top of their two colleagues. In the progress of challenge , In the course of the challenge, we can not make any sound, otherwise it must come again. We challenged again and again, the bottom of the colleagues to bear all the weight. I know that they have no power to support, but still insisted. The last challenge, I can feel that all the hearts are connected together, there is only one purpose that is the challenge of success. Finally, we shed tears of joy when we succeeded.

The second part is called we are family. After the end of the training, the company has prepared a bonfire party,. Everyone is put into it and enjoyed it very much. We are dancing and singing, the air filled with the taste of happiness. Our boss bill also join with us to play, everybody looks like family. In other words that, we are family.

The holiday time soon passed, and the trip made us feel very meaningful. Because all of our staff is a family, everyone put their best dedication to the company, the company is also under the efforts of everyone growing. I believe that Ingor sportswear will become more and more better in the future!

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