Portions of Yoga Part - 2

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2022-05-02
4. Pranayama Rythmic associated with the breath: Just as being world Yoga is one particular wide import, so also 'prana'. Prana means breath, respiration, life, vitality, wind energy or strength. You'll find it connoyes the soul instead of the body. The word is generally used inside plural to point out vital breathing. 'Ayama' means length, expansion, stretching or restraint. Pranayama thus connotes extension of breath is actually control. a. Inhalation or inspiration, which is termed Puraka b. Exhalation or expiration, which is addressed as Rechaka c. Retention or holding the breath, a state where there isn't an inhalation or exhalation, as well as termed Kumbhaka. Pranayama is thus the science of breath. It's the hub round which the wheel of life orbits. Prana in the body of the sufferer Jivatma is an element of cosmic breath of this U Paramatma. An attempt is meant to harmonise the individual breath panda-prana with the cosmic breath Brahmanda-prana through practice of Pranayama. Prana Vayu one of the very subtle forms of energy is air. This vital energy which also pervades the human body is classified in five main categories in the Hatha Doing yoga. These are termed as : Prana, Which moves in the area of cardiovascular system and controls respiration; Apana, which moves in the sphere of thelower abdomen and controls the functioning of eliminating urine and faeces; Samana, which strokes the gastric fires to aid digestion; Udana, which dwells in the thoracic cavity and controls the consumption of air and food; and Vyana, which pervades the comlete body and distributes power derived from food and breath. There additionally five subsidiaries Vagus. These are: Naga, which relieves abdominal pressure by belching, Kurma, which controls the movements among the eyelids to prevents foreign matter or too bright a light entering the eyes; Krkara, which prevents substances passing up the nasal passages and down the throat by making one sneeze or cough; Devadatta, which provides for the intakes of additional oxygen in the tried body by causing a Yawn; and last Dhanamjaya, which remains in the body even after death and quite often bloats up a corpse. 5. Prathyahara : When a man's reason succumbs towards pull of his senses he is lost. On the other hand, when there is rhythmic associated with breath, the senses instead of running after external objects desire turn inwards and man is defined free from their tyranny. This stages is called prthyahara, as soon as the senses are brought in order. 6. Dharna : As soon as the body been recently tempered by asanas, once the mind has been refined coming from the fire of parnayama period of time . the senses have been brought within check by parathyahara, the sadhaka reaches the sixth stage called dharna. Here he has been concentrated wholly on certain point or on a task in that he is completely engrossed. Mind has with regard to stilled to have this associated with complete imbibition.
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