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how to prevent sweatshirts from pilling

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-07-30

As the temperatures start to drop, sweatshirts become an essential part of our wardrobes. These cozy pieces keep us warm and comfortable, but unfortunately, they also tend to pill. Pilling is when small balls of fibers form on the surface of the fabric, making the sweatshirt look old and worn out. But fear not, here are some tips to prevent sweatshirts from pilling and keep them looking great for seasons to come.

1. Choose the Right Fabric

The first and most important step to prevent pilling is to choose the right fabric. Sweaters made of natural fibers such as wool, cashmere, or silk are less prone to pilling than synthetic ones like polyester or acrylic. If you prefer synthetic fabrics, go for higher quality ones that are less likely to pill.

2. Wash with Care

The way you wash your sweatshirt can also affect its pilling potential. To avoid pilling, use a gentle cycle and cold water. Hot water and agitation can cause the fibers to break and pill. Also, avoid using fabric softeners or bleach as they can weaken the fibers and cause pilling.

3. Dry Properly

After washing, it's important to dry your sweatshirt properly. Avoid tumble-drying as the heat and tumbling can cause the fibers to twist and tangle, leading to pilling. Instead, hang the sweatshirt to dry or lay it flat on a clean towel.

4. Store Properly

Storing your sweatshirt properly is also important to prevent pilling. Fold it neatly and avoid hanging it, as the weight of the fabric can cause it to stretch and pill. Also, store your sweatshirt in a cool and dry place to prevent moisture and mildew.

5. Treat the Pilling

If your sweatshirt already has some pills, don't worry. You can treat them and prevent further pilling. Use a pill remover tool or a fabric shaver to gently remove the pills. Be careful not to pull or snag the fabric while doing so. After removing the pills, wash the sweatshirt and dry it properly to prevent new pills from forming.

In conclusion, preventing sweatshirts from pilling is a simple process that involves choosing the right fabric, washing and drying with care, storing properly, and treating the pilling when necessary. By following these tips, your sweatshirts will look and feel great for a long time.

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