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how to organize your sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-07-30

As the weather begins to cool down, we start grabbing for our favorite cozy sweatshirts. But as we add to our collection, it can become overwhelming to find space for them all. Fear not, we have some tips for organizing your sweatshirts and keeping your closet tidy.

1. Sort and Declutter

The first step to organizing anything is to sort and declutter. Start by laying out all your sweatshirts on your bed or floor. Go through each one and determine if you still wear it or if it's time to donate or sell. Be honest with yourself and only keep the ones you truly love and wear frequently.

2. Categorize

Once you have decluttered, it's time to categorize your sweatshirts. Group them by color, style, or occasion. This will make it easier to find what you need when you're in a rush. Additionally, it will make your closet look neat and organized.

3. Utilize Space-Saving Solutions

If you're short on closet space, utilize some space-saving solutions. One option is to invest in slim velvet hangers. They take up less space than traditional hangers and keep your sweatshirts from slipping off. Another space-saving solution is to fold your sweatshirts and store them in a drawer or on a shelf. This saves space and is a great way to showcase your favorite sweatshirt designs.

4. Determine Accessible Placement

When organizing your sweatshirts, consider which ones you wear the most and where they should be placed for easy access. For example, if you only wear your vintage band sweatshirt on weekends, it can be stored in a less accessible area. However, if you wear your favorite comfy sweatshirt every day, it should be easily accessible for a grab-and-go situation.

5. Try a Storage System

Lastly, consider investing in a storage system specifically for your sweatshirts. This could be a hanging organizer or cube shelving for folded sweatshirts. By dedicating a specific space for your sweatshirts, you can keep them organized and easy to find.

In conclusion, organizing your sweatshirts can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. By sorting and decluttering, categorizing, utilizing space-saving solutions, determining accessible placement, and trying a storage system, you can stay organized and make the most out of your cozy collection. Happy organizing!

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