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how to organize hoodies and sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-07-30

Are your hoodies and sweatshirts taking over your closet? Are you tired of constantly rifling through piles of clothing just to find your favorite cozy sweater? Fear not, organizing your hoodies and sweatshirts doesn't have to be a daunting task. With a few simple steps, you can declutter your closet and have your cozy attire organized in no time.

1. Start by Sorting

The first step to decluttering any space is to sort everything. Begin by pulling out every hoodie and sweatshirt you own and sorting them into piles. This could be piles based on color, style, or even frequency of wear. The key is to have a clear idea of what you're working with before you start organizing.

2. Purge Your Collection

Once you have everything sorted, it's time to purge. Take a critical eye to each item and assess whether or not it deserves a space in your closet. If it's stained, ripped, or no longer fits, consider donating or tossing it. Only keep the items you love and wear often.

3. Invest in the Right Storage Solutions

Having the right storage solutions will make all the difference in keeping your hoodies and sweatshirts organized. Consider investing in stackable storage bins, hanging organizers, or folding shelves. These options will keep everything easily accessible and visible.

4. Use Color Coordination

Organizing by color is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it also makes it easier to find what you're looking for. Consider organizing your hoodies and sweatshirts by color, starting with light shades and moving to dark ones. This will make it easier to find the right piece when you're in a rush.

5. Consider Different Storage Areas

If you're short on closet space, consider storing your hoodies and sweatshirts in different areas of your home. A stylish coat rack in your entryway or a hanging organizer behind your bedroom door can give you the extra storage you need without cluttering your closet.

6. Keep Your Favorites Within Reach

Finally, be sure to keep your favorite hoodies and sweatshirts within easy reach. If you find yourself constantly reaching for a specific piece, consider allocating a specific space in your closet just for that item. This will ensure that it's always within reach and easy to grab on the go.

Organizing your hoodies and sweatshirts doesn't have to be overwhelming. By following these simple steps, you can declutter your closet and have your cozy clothing organized in no time. Remember to keep only the pieces you love, invest in the right storage solutions, and keep your favorites within reach. Happy organizing!

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