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how to organize hooded sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-07-31

Hooded sweatshirts are a common staple in most wardrobes, especially during the colder months. They are cozy, comfortable, and can be stylish when paired with the right accessories. However, they can quickly pile up and become a cluttered mess in your closet. Here are some tips on how to organize your hooded sweatshirts for a neat and organized space.

1. Sort through your hoodies

The first step to organizing anything is to sort through it. Take out all of your hooded sweatshirts and decide which ones to keep and which ones to donate or toss. Consider if youve worn it in the past year, if it still fits, and if you love it. Be realistic about what you need and can realistically wear. Dont hold onto items that cause clutter and stress.

2. Fold your hoodies

Folding your hoodies is a great way to save space and keep them organized. Its essential to fold them uniformly to make the most of the space you have. Lay the hoodie face down on a flat surface and fold each sleeve towards the center. Then fold it in half, so the hood is in the middle, and fold it in half again, so its a small square shape. You can then arrange them in a drawer or on a shelf in a vertical position.

3. Invest in storage solutions

Storage solutions can be your best friend when it comes to organizing your hooded sweatshirts. Consider using baskets, bins, or organizers to keep them all in one place. Baskets or bins can be stacked for efficient use of your space while still being able to see everything. Hanging organizers with cubbies are great for a closet or back of a door.

4. Use hooks

Hooks are perfect for keeping your hoodies within reach and off the floor. You can install hooks on the wall or door, making them easily accessible. This option can be a space saver if you have limited closet or drawer space. Additionally, hooks can help your hoodies keep their shape by preventing them from getting scrunched up on a hanger.

5. Divide them by occasion

Dividing your hooded sweatshirts by occasion can be helpful, especially if you have a large collection. This method allows you to easily grab what you need based on the activity or occasion. For example, you can group your sweatshirts into categories such as: gym or workout, casual, loungewear or cozy, and dressy.

In conclusion

Organizing hooded sweatshirts can be challenging, but it doesnt have to be. With just a few simple steps like sorting, folding, investing in storage solutions, using hooks, and categorizing them by occasion, your closet can be super organized. Not only will you be able to see what you have, but youll also be able to easily grab what you need, and avoid creating clutter. Give these tips a try, and enjoy a more organized closet.

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