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how to make tie dye sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-07-30

Tie-dye sweatshirts are the perfect addition to your wardrobe. They are not only comfortable but also trendy and stylish. The good news is that you don't have to spend a lot of money on them because you can make them yourself. In this article, we will show you how to make tie-dye sweatshirts in a few easy steps.

Materials Needed

Before you start making your tie-dye sweatshirt, ensure you have these materials on hand:

Sweatshirt in the desired color

Dye in the desired colors

Rubber bands




Plastic wrap



Step One: Preparing the Sweatshirt

The first thing you need to do is prepare your sweatshirt. You can choose one that is either plain or already has a pattern. Wash it without fabric softener or dryer sheets to maintain the integrity of the fabric. Next, lay it flat on a work surface and smooth out any wrinkles.

Step Two: Folding the Sweatshirt

Folding the sweatshirt is a crucial step as it determines the pattern the tie-dye will take. You can choose to fold your sweatshirt in whichever way you want, but here's a popular technique:

Push the sleeves up and fold the sweatshirt in half lengthwise, so that the front and back are aligned.

Next, fold it in half again, so that the sleeves align with the bottom edge of the sweatshirt.

Pleat the sweatshirt the same way you would fold a fan.

Use rubber bands to hold the pleats in place. The more rubber bands you use, the more intricate the design will be.

Step Three: Mixing the Dye

Mix your chosen dye in a bucket according to the manufacturer's instructions. Add salt to help the dye absorb better into the fabric. Stir the mixture with a spoon to dissolve any clumps.

Step Four: Applying the Dye

Wear gloves to avoid staining your hands with the dye. Dip the folded sweatshirt into the dye and ensure that it's fully submerged. You can use a spoon to push it down gently.

Leave the sweatshirt in the dye for about 30 minutes, or as prescribed in the manufacturer's instructions.

Step Five: Rinse and Dry

After 30 minutes or as advised by the manufacturer, rinse the sweatshirt with cold water until the water runs clear. Remove the rubber bands, and place the sweatshirt in a plastic wrap to prevent the dye from contaminated other clothes.

Machine-wash it alone with cold water and mild detergent to ensure that the dye doesn't bleed onto other clothes. Dry the sweatshirt according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Step Six: Enjoy Your Tie-Dye Sweatshirt

Your sweatshirt is now complete! It's all yours to enjoy, show off, and experiment with. You can experiment with different colors and folding techniques to create unique designs.


Tie-dye sweatshirts are an easy and fun way to transform your wardrobe. With a few materials and simple steps, anyone can make a one-of-a-kind piece in no time. Not only are they trendy, but they also have cultural and vintage significance too. So go ahead, add some color to your wardrobe by making your tie-dye sweatshirt today!

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