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how to make cut off sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-02

How to Make Cut Off Sweatshirts

Sweatshirts are one of the most comfortable and versatile pieces of clothing you can wear. They're perfect for relaxing at home, running errands, or even dressed up for a night out. However, sometimes you may want to switch up the style of your sweatshirt and make it shorter. This is where cut off sweatshirts come into play. In this article, we will go over everything you need to know to make your own cut off sweatshirt.

Materials Needed

Before we get started, it's important to gather all the materials needed. You'll need a sweatshirt, sharp scissors or fabric scissors, a ruler or measuring tape, and fabric glue or sewing supplies.

Step 1: Choose Your Sweatshirt

The first step in making a cut off sweatshirt is to choose the sweatshirt you want to cut. You can use any sweatshirt you have in your closet or buy a new one specifically for this project. Keep in mind that the sweatshirt should be a little loose so that it's not too tight after you cut it. Also, make sure the material is thick enough to prevent it from unraveling after you cut it.

Step 2: Decide How Short You Want the Sweatshirt

Decide how short you want your sweatshirt to be. Use a ruler or measuring tape to measure the length from the bottom of the sweatshirt to the point where you want to cut it off. Keep in mind that you can always cut off more later if you decide you want it shorter.

Step 3: Mark the Sweatshirt

Use a fabric pen or chalk to mark where you want to cut the sweatshirt. Make sure the marks are straight and evenly spaced.

Step 4: Cut the Sweatshirt

Start cutting the sweatshirt following the marks you made. Use sharp scissors or fabric scissors to make sure the cut is clean and precise.

Step 5: Finish the Edges

If you want to prevent the edges from unraveling, you can either use fabric glue or sew a straight stitch along the cut edge. If using fabric glue, apply a small amount along the edge of the cut and let it dry completely. If sewing, fold the edge over about 1/4 inch and sew along the entire cut edge.

Step 6: Style Your Sweatshirt

Now that your cut off sweatshirt is complete, it's time to style it. You can wear it as is with a pair of high-waisted jeans or shorts. You can also customize it by adding fringe, beads, patches, or other embellishments.


Making a cut off sweatshirt is a fun and easy way to switch up the style of your sweatshirt. With the right materials and a little creativity, you can create a unique and stylish piece. Follow the steps above to make your own cut off sweatshirt and start experimenting with different ways to wear it.

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