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how to keep sweatshirts fluffy

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-03

How to Keep Sweatshirts Fluffy

Sweatshirts are one of the most comfortable pieces of clothing ever made. They are soft, cozy, and perfect for those lazy days when you just want to curl up with a good book or watch a movie. However, sweatshirts can lose their fluffiness and end up looking old and worn out, making them less comfortable to wear. This article will go over some tips on how to keep your sweatshirts fluffy so that they always look and feel new.

1. Choose the Right Detergent

The type of detergent you use can make a big difference in the fluffiness of your sweatshirt. Avoid using harsh detergents that contain bleach, as they can break down the fibers in the fabric and cause the sweatshirt to lose its fluffiness. Instead, opt for a gentle detergent that is specifically formulated for delicate fabrics. Look for detergents that are labeled as 'free and clear' or 'hypoallergenic,' as these are typically gentler on fabrics.

2. Wash and Dry Correctly

How you wash and dry your sweatshirt can also affect its fluffiness. Always follow the care label instructions, as different sweatshirts may require different washing and drying methods. In general, it's best to wash sweatshirts in cold water on a gentle cycle. To help maintain the fluffiness, add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle. This will help remove any detergent residue that could make the sweatshirt stiff.

When drying your sweatshirt, avoid using high heat, as this can cause the fibers in the fabric to break down. Instead, opt for a low heat or air-dry setting. If you want to speed up the drying process, add a few wool dryer balls to the dryer. These will help fluff up the fabric and reduce the drying time.

3. Store Properly

How you store your sweatshirt can also affect its fluffiness. Never hang your sweatshirt on a hanger, as this can cause it to stretch and lose its shape. Instead, fold your sweatshirt neatly and store it in a drawer or on a shelf. If you must hang it up, use a padded hanger to help maintain its shape.

4. Watch the Fabric Softener

While fabric softener can make your clothes feel softer and smell great, it can also cause them to lose their fluffiness over time. This is because fabric softener can leave behind a residue that can make the fabric stiff and less fluffy. If you choose to use fabric softener, use it sparingly and dilute it with water before adding it to your wash cycle.

5. Brush it Out

If your sweatshirt has become flattened or matted, use a soft-bristle brush to fluff it up. Simply brush the fabric in a circular motion, taking care not to press too hard. This will help lift the fibers and restore the fluffiness of your sweatshirt.

In conclusion, if you want to keep your sweatshirts fluffy and comfortable, be sure to choose the right detergent, wash and dry them correctly, store them properly, watch the fabric softener, and brush them out when needed. By following these tips, you can keep your sweatshirts looking and feeling new for years to come.

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