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how to hand wash sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-03

How to Hand Wash Sweatshirts

Sweatshirts can be a great addition to your wardrobe, but they can also be difficult to clean. If you're tired of pulling out a sweatshirt that's lost its shape or developed pills, it's time to learn how to hand wash them properly. Below are some tips for cleaning your sweatshirts without ruining them.


1. Choose the Right Detergent

2. Prepare Your Sweatshirts for Washing

3. Scrub Them Gently

4. Rinse Your Sweatshirts Thoroughly

5. Dry Them Correctly

Choose the Right Detergent

When it comes to cleaning sweatshirts, it is essential to choose the right detergent. Avoid using harsh detergents or those with bleach, as they can damage the fibers of the sweatshirt. Instead, go for mild detergents, which are gentle on the fabric and won't cause any damage.

Prepare Your Sweatshirts for Washing

Before you start washing your sweatshirts, it's important to prepare them properly. If there are any stains, it is best to treat them first, as this will make it easier to remove them during the washing process. You can use a stain remover, or you can simply soak the stained parts in water with a little bit of mild detergent.

After treating any stains, turn your sweatshirts inside out to avoid damaging the fabric. This will also help to keep the colors bright and vibrant.

Scrub Them Gently

When washing your sweatshirts, it's crucial to scrub them gently. Avoid using harsh scrubbers or brushes, as they can damage the fibers of the fabric. Instead, use your hands to gently work the detergent into the sweatshirt. This will help to remove any dirt, grime, or stains, without causing any damage.

If your sweatshirt has any delicate decorations, such as patches or embroidery, it's essential to be extra careful when washing them. Scrub these areas as gently as possible, and avoid applying too much pressure.

Rinse Your Sweatshirts Thoroughly

After scrubbing your sweatshirts, it is necessary to rinse them thoroughly. Be sure to rinse out all the soap suds to prevent any residue from building up on the fabric. If there's any leftover detergent on the fabric, it can cause discoloration or damage to the material.

When rinsing your sweatshirts, use cool or lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water, as it can make the fabric shrink, fade, or become misshapen. Rinse your sweatshirts until the water runs clear, and there's no more soap suds in the water.

Dry Them Correctly

After washing and rinsing your sweatshirts, it's time to dry them correctly. Avoid using a dryer, as the heat can shrink the fabric and damage any delicate decorations, such as patches or embroidery. Instead, lay your sweatshirts flat on a clean, dry towel and reshape them to their original size and shape.

Let the sweatshirts air dry, and avoid exposing them to direct sunlight, as this can also cause discoloration or fade the fabric's colors. It can take some time for the sweatshirts to dry completely, so be patient and don't rush the process.

In conclusion, hand washing your sweatshirts can be a bit time-consuming, but it's worth it to keep them looking their best. By following the tips above, you can wash your sweatshirts effectively without harming the fabric or any delicate decorations. With proper care, your sweatshirts will remain comfortable and stylish for years to come.

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