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how to get oil stains out of sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-04

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Sweatshirts

Sweatshirts are a staple in most people's wardrobes because of their comfortable and casual appeal. However, when you accidentally spill oil on your sweatshirt, it can quickly turn into a nightmare to clean. Oil stains are unsightly and can ruin your favorite sweatshirt if not treated promptly. If you're looking for ways to get oil stains out of sweatshirts, keep on reading.

Why Oil Stains are Tricky to Remove from Sweatshirts

Oil stains are tricky to remove from sweatshirts because of how they are made. Sweatshirts are usually made from a combination of cotton, polyester, and spandex materials. Oil has the tendency to seep into fibers and settles deep within the material, making it difficult to remove.

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Sweatshirts: The Steps

There are several methods of removing oil stains out of sweatshirts. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Act Quickly

As soon as you spill oil on your sweatshirt, it's essential to act quickly. Don't let the oil settle into the fabric because it makes it harder to remove. Use a paper towel or cloth to blot the oil off the fabric. Avoid rubbing it as it can spread the stain.

Step 2: Pre-treat the Stain

After blotting the stain, pre-treat it using dish soap, laundry detergent, or stain remover. Apply the pre-treatment directly to the stain and leave it for at least 30 minutes. Don't let the pre-treatment dry out; wet the fabric occasionally to prevent that.

Step 3: Wash the Sweatshirt

After pre-treating the stain, wash the sweatshirt in the washing machine using hot water. Hot water helps to break down the oil in the fabric. Don't forget to add laundry detergent to the wash cycle.

Step 4: Inspect the Sweatshirt

After washing, inspect the sweatshirt to see if the stain is still visible. If it's still visible, repeat the washing process again.

Step 5: Dry the Sweatshirt

Once the stain is removed, dry the sweatshirt using a dryer or hang it outside to air-dry. Avoid using heat while drying the sweatshirt because it tends to set stains in the fabric.

Alternative Methods to Remove Oil Stains from Sweatshirts

Apart from the conventional method of getting oil stains out of sweatshirts, here are alternative methods to try:

1. Cornstarch or Baby Powder Method

Cover the oil stain with either cornstarch or baby powder and leave it for at least 4 hours or overnight. Brush off the powder and pre-treat the stain using either laundry detergent, dish soap, or stain remover, then wash as usual.

2. Baking Soda, Salt, and Vinegar Method

Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of salt with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar into a paste. Apply the paste over the stain and leave it for about 30 minutes. Rinse the sweatshirt with hot water and wash as usual.

3. WD-40 Method

Spray a small amount of WD-40 directly onto the stain and leave it for 10 minutes. Pre-treat the stain with dish soap, laundry detergent, or stain remover and wash as usual.

Final Thought

Getting oil stains out of sweatshirts can be done, but it takes patience and persistence. The key is to act quickly and pre-treat the stain before washing. With the above methods, you can restore your sweatshirt to its former condition. However, for extra tough stains, it's advisable to seek professional dry-cleaning services.

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