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how to embroider on sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-06

Embroidering has been a popular pastime and hobby for centuries. From basic embroidery to more intricate designs, it adds a personal touch to just about anything. However, embroidering on sweatshirts can be particularly challenging due to the material's stretchy and thick nature. In this article, we will show you how to embroider on sweatshirts and give you tips and tricks to enhance your embroidery skills.

Materials You Will Need

Before starting the process, we need to prepare the necessary materials. This includes sweatshirts, needles, embroidery floss, embroidery hoop, scissors, and a pattern or design.

Preparing the Sweatshirt

It is important to prepare the sweatshirt before embroidering. First, wash and dry the sweatshirt to ensure that it is clean and free of any wrinkles. Then, use a piece of chalk to mark where you would like to embroider on the sweatshirt. The chalk marks are easy to remove, which is helpful to prevent any long-term marks on the sweatshirt.

Using an Embroidery Hoop

An embroidery hoop is a necessary tool in embroidering on sweatshirts. It helps to keep the sweatshirt taut and makes it easier to embroider. To use the embroidery hoop, thread the shirt over the bottom hoop and align it with the top hoop. Then, securely tighten the hoop, ensuring that the sweatshirt is taut and firm.

Selecting the Right Needle

Sweatshirts require a thicker and stronger needle to penetrate through the material. Use a needle specifically designed for embroidery, also known as a crewel needle. The size of the needle will depend on the thickness of the embroidery floss you are using.

Choosing the Right Embroidery Floss

For sweatshirts, it is recommended to use six strands of embroidery floss. For thicker embroidery, you can use all six strands, while for finer work, you can use fewer strands. When choosing the colors of the floss, ensure that they are complementary to the sweatshirt's color.

Starting Embroidery

Once you have all the necessary materials prepared, and the sweatshirt is marked, you can begin embroidering. Start by threading the needle with embroidery floss and make a knot at the end. Then, insert the needle at the beginning of a stitch and pull it through the opposite side of the fabric.

Using Basic Stitches

There are many different embroidery stitches to choose from, but for embroidering on sweatshirts, basic stitches such as the running stitch, backstitch, and satin stitch are ideal. The running stitch is the simplest and quickest stitch, while the backstitch is ideal for outlining a design or pattern. Satin stitch is perfect for filling in larger shapes or patterns.

Finishing Your Embroidery

Once you have finished embroidering, it is essential to finish it off with a secure knot. Secure the embroidery floss by running the needle through stitches or a few strands of embroidery floss. Then, cut off any excess floss.


Embroidering on sweatshirts is a fun and easy way to personalize garments. With the right materials, tools, and techniques, creating unique designs is achievable for people of all skill levels. Follow these tips and tricks to embroider on sweatshirts and create personalized and trendy garments.

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