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how to draw sweatshirts unzipped

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-06

Whether it's a cool fall evening or a brisk spring morning, sweatshirts are a popular clothing choice for many individuals. If you're an artist looking to create realistic or stylized depictions of sweatshirts, then learning how to draw them unzipped can add an extra level of visual interest to your art. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed tutorial on how to draw sweatshirts unzipped, including the materials needed, the sketching process, and some useful tips and tricks to help you perfect your technique.

Materials Needed

To get started drawing sweatshirts unzipped, you will need a few basic materials:

- Pencil (preferably with a sharp point)

- Eraser (preferably kneaded)

- Paper (preferably sketching paper)

Sketching Process

Now that you have your materials gathered let's start the sketching process.

1. Start with the Basic Shape

Begin by drawing a basic shape for the sweatshirt. This can be a rectangle, slightly wider at the bottom than the top, with a vertical line down the center. Draw the line with a ruler or create it freehand, whichever you are more comfortable with.

2. Add Folds

Next, add folds to the sweatshirt to create the unzipped effect. Draw diagonal lines coming out of the center line, starting from the top of the sweatshirt and curving outward as they go down. Remember that folds should be parallel to each other, and closer together at the top than at the bottom.

3. Draw the Zipper

Now it's time to draw the zipper. Draw two parallel lines down the center of the sweatshirt, connecting at the bottom in the shape of an inverted 'V'. Connect the lines with a series of diagonal lines, creating the teeth of the zipper. Remember to leave an opening at the bottom for the unzipped area.

4. Add Details

Finally, add details such as a hood or pockets to the sweatshirt if desired. Clean up any lines that need adjusting and finalize your drawing!

Tips and Tricks

Drawing sweatshirts unzipped can take some practice to perfect. Here are some helpful tips and tricks to keep in mind:

- Utilize references: Keep a reference photo of a sweatshirt on hand for inspiration and accuracy.

- Pay attention to fabric: Different types of fabrics will fold and drape differently, so keep that in mind when drawing.

- Be aware of light sources: If you're aiming for a realistic drawing, pay attention to where the light is coming from as this affects the shading and detailing of the folds.

- Don't forget about shadows: The unzipped area would cast a shadow on the body, so remember to add that shadow in for added depth and realism.

- Practice makes perfect: Keep practicing the technique and trying different sweatshirt styles until you've mastered the art of drawing sweatshirts unzipped.


Drawing sweatshirts unzipped is a fun and useful skill to have as an artist. With the right materials, sketching technique, and a little bit of practice, anyone can learn how to create impressive and realistic representations of sweatshirts. So grab your pencil and paper, and let's get to drawing!

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