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how to clean supreme sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-07

Supreme sweatshirts are a popular and fashionable garment that can be worn by people of all ages. These sweatshirts are made using high-quality fabric and are known for their durability, comfort, and unique designs. While Supreme sweatshirts are made to last, they require proper care and maintenance to ensure longevity. In this article, we will guide you on how to clean supreme sweatshirts and keep them looking as good as new.

1. Preparing Your Supreme Sweatshirt for Cleaning

Before you start cleaning your Supreme sweatshirt, it is important to prepare it properly. Start by turning your sweatshirt inside out. This helps to protect the design and fabric on the outside of the sweatshirt. If your Supreme sweatshirt has any special attachments, like zippers or buttons, make sure to undo them before washing.

2. Understanding the Best Cleaning Technique

When it comes to cleaning your Supreme sweatshirt, you have a few options to choose from. Hand washing is the most gentle and recommended method of cleaning your sweatshirt. Machine washing can be an option but make sure to set the machine on a gentle setting or use a laundry bag to protect it from getting snagged or stretched.

3. Hand Washing Your Supreme Sweatshirt

Fill a sink or basin with cold water and a small amount of a gentle or specialized fabric detergent. Mix the detergent and water thoroughly, and then add your sweatshirt. Gently swirl and knead the sweatshirt in the water for a few minutes, making sure to pay extra attention to any stained or dirty areas. Once done, lift the sweatshirt out of the sink and rinse it with cold water until all the soap is gone.

4. Machine Washing Your Supreme Sweatshirt

If you choose machine washing, make sure to either set the machine on a gentle setting and/or use a laundry bag to protect the sweatshirt from getting snagged or stretched. Add detergent according to the manufacturer's instructions and set the machine to fill up with cold water. Turn off the spin cycle, then add your Supreme sweatshirt to the machine. Let it wash for a few minutes, then lift the sweatshirt out of the machine and rinse with cold water until all soap is gone.

5. Drying Your Supreme Sweatshirt

After washing, place your sweatshirt on a flat surface, like a drying rack or a clean towel. Do not wring or twist it as this can damage the fabric, particularly for those with printed designs. Drying is the most important part of cleaning your Supreme sweatshirt. To avoid any shrinkage or deformation, do not expose it to heat as it can damage the fabric. Instead, let it dry naturally at a room temperature. Once it is dried, you may iron your sweatshirt (if it's printed, turn it inside out and iron on the lowest heat setting).

In conclusion, Supreme sweatshirts are beautiful but delicate garments that require special care and attention. It takes a bit of extra work to make sure they last long, but in the end, it's worth it. By following these cleaning techniques and strategies, you can make sure that your Supreme sweatshirt is always looking at its best.

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