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how to bleach sweatshirts in winter

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-07-16

How to Bleach Sweatshirts in Winter

Winter is here, and it's the perfect time to refresh your wardrobe! If you have a sweatshirt that needs a makeover, bleaching it is an excellent option. Here, we'll go through the steps to bleach your sweatshirt, so it looks brand new.

How Will Bleaching Affect Your Sweatshirt?

Before beginning, it's crucial to note that not all sweatshirts can be bleached. Some materials are too delicate or might not take the bleach well while others might become discolored or stained. Make sure the sweatshirt you want to bleach is made from cotton or polyester fabric before proceeding. Also, remember that bleach will damage any print or colors on your sweatshirt, so it's better to use plain sweaters.

What You Will Need:

- A bucket

- A measuring cup

- Bleach

- Warm Water

- Rubber gloves

- Old clothes

Step 1: Prepare the Solution

Prepare a solution of hot water and a half cup of bleach in a bucket. If the sweatshirt is large or there are more clothes to bleach, add more bleach to the mixture. Mix the bleach and the water with the measuring cup to help distribute the bleach evenly. Make sure you use rubber gloves to protect your hands from the bleach.

Step 2: Dip the Sweatshirt in the Solution

Next, dip the sweatshirt into the bleach solution. Ensure the fabric is fully emerged, so the bleach gets everywhere. It would help if you also swished the sweatshirt around a bit to help the bleach penetrate the fabric. It is best to leave the sweatshirt in the bleach solution for about 10 minutes.

Step 3: Rinse the Sweatshirt

Once 10 minutes are up, remove the sweatshirt from the bleach solution, and rinse it in warm water. Rinse the sweatshirt under warm water until the water turns clear, and the bleach solution is all washed away.

Step 4: Wash Your Sweatshirt

After completing the previous steps, wash your sweatshirt in a washing machine with cold water. Add some mild detergent to the wash to help remove any additional stains or bleach spots. Once you've finished washing the sweatshirt, let it dry as usual.

Step 5: Check the Results

After washing the sweatshirt, check the results to see if it came out well. If the sweatshirt is still too yellow or discolored, repeat the process until you achieve the desired effect.


Bleaching your sweatshirt might sound scary, but it can give your favorite clothes a new lease on life. Follow these steps to bleach your sweatshirt safely and enjoy it during the winter season. Remember, always wear rubber gloves and old clothes when working with bleach as it's a strong chemical that can damage your skin and clothes.

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