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how do you shrink sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-12

Sweatshirts are a staple in everybody's wardrobe. They are comfy, warm and stylish. They come in different styles, colors and sizes, which makes them a must-have. However, when it comes to washing them, people often find themselves struggling to maintain their size and shape. If you're here looking for a solution to shrink your oversized or stretched sweatshirt, you've come to the right place. This article will guide you through the process of how to shrink sweatshirts and get them back to their original size.

Why do you need to shrink a sweatshirt?

Sweatshirts can get stretched out due to constant wear or incorrect washing techniques, which makes them loose and unflattering. In such cases, shrinking them back to size is an easy and effective solution. Additionally, if you have purchased a sweatshirt that is a size too big, shrinking it can be a way to get the perfect fit. Shrunken sweatshirts not only look better but also feel more comfortable.

How to shrink cotton sweatshirts?

Cotton sweatshirts are the most common type and the easiest to shrink. Here's how you can do it at home:

1. Wash the sweatshirt in hot water

Hot water causes cotton to shrink as it affects the fibers' structural integrity. Make sure the water is at least 60 degrees Celsius, and you use a mild detergent. Place the sweatshirt in the washer and set it to a washing cycle.

2. Use the dryer to shrink the sweatshirt.

After washing, remove the sweatshirt from the washer and shake it out to remove wrinkles. Then, place it in the dryer at the highest heat setting. Keep an eye on the sweatshirt and check it every 5-10 minutes to ensure it's not getting too small.

3. Repeat if needed.

If the sweatshirt didn't shrink enough, repeat the process until it's the desired size. However, over-shrinkage can cause irreversible damage, so shrink in increments to avoid ruining your favorite sweatshirt.

How to shrink synthetic sweatshirts?

Synthetic sweatshirts are made of polyester or nylon fibers. Shrinking these types of sweatshirts requires a different approach as high heat can damage the fabric. Here's how to do it:

1. Wash the sweatshirt in warm water

Synthetic fibers are sensitive to high-temperature environments. Thus, you should avoid washing them in hot water. Instead, use warm water mixed with a mild detergent to wash the sweatshirt.

2. Air-dry the sweatshirt.

After washing, remove the sweatshirt from the washer and shake it out to remove wrinkles. Then, place it on a flat surface, gently pulling it to its desired size. Let it air dry instead of using a dryer, as high heat can cause the fibers to melt.

3. Repeat if needed.

If the sweatshirt didn't shrink enough or if you want to shrink it further, repeat the process until it's the right size. However, over-shrinkage can cause irreversible damage, so shrink in increments to avoid ruining the sweatshirt.


Knowing how to shrink a sweatshirt is a valuable skill. It can save you money from buying new clothes and give old ones a fresh new look. Whether you have a cotton or synthetic sweatshirt, the above methods can help you reduce their size and give them a more flattering fit. Ensure you follow the instructions carefully and avoid over-shrinking to prevent damage. Get ready to enjoy your shrunken sweatshirt and rock your stylish look with confidence!

If you have plenty of time, you can learn how to take care of fitness clothes women. Also, invest in the right fitness clothing brands  womens running clothes .
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