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do fleece sweatshirts shrink

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-21

Do Fleece Sweatshirts Shrink?

Fleece sweatshirts are soft, cozy, and provide warmth during cold weather. They are a popular choice among people of all ages, especially during the winter season. However, a common question that arises when purchasing fleece sweatshirts is whether or not they shrink after being washed. In this article, we will discuss the factors that contribute to fleece sweatshirts shrinking, and how to prevent it from happening.

What Causes Fleece Sweatshirts to Shrink?

Several factors can contribute to fleece sweatshirts shrinking. The most significant factor is the type of material used to make the sweatshirt. Fleece is made from synthetic fibers such as polyester, which is prone to shrinkage.

Another factor that can cause fleece sweatshirts to shrink is the washing method. When washed in hot water or tumble-dried on high heat, the fibers in the fleece can contract, causing the sweatshirt to become smaller. This is because the heat breaks down the fibers and causes them to shrink.

Furthermore, the detergent used to wash fleece sweatshirts can also contribute to shrinkage. Some detergents contain harsh chemicals that can damage the fibers in the sweatshirt and cause them to shrink.

How to Prevent Fleece Sweatshirts from Shrinking

Preventing fleece sweatshirts from shrinking is relatively easy. Here are some things you can do to prevent shrinkage:

1. Wash in Cold Water

The best way to prevent fleece sweatshirts from shrinking is to wash them in cold water. Cold water will not cause the fibers to contract, and it will keep the sweatshirt looking new for a longer time. Using cold water to wash fleece sweatshirts is gentle and helps preserve the quality of the material.

2. Use a Mild Detergent

When washing fleece sweatshirts, it is important to use a mild detergent. Harsh detergents can damage the fibers in the sweatshirt, causing them to shrink. A mild detergent, on the other hand, will not damage the fabric, and it will help keep the sweatshirt looking new.

3. Avoid High Heat

Avoid tumble-drying fleece sweatshirts on high heat. Instead, use a low heat setting or air-dry the sweatshirt. High heat can break down the fibers in the fleece, causing them to shrink faster.

4. Stretch the Sweatshirt

After washing, stretch the sweatshirt gently to help prevent shrinkage. This can be done by gently pulling the sweatshirt in all directions to help loosen the fibers and prevent them from contracting.

5. Follow Care Label Instructions

It is essential to follow the care label instructions when washing fleece sweatshirts. The care label will provide instructions on how to wash the sweatshirt, what detergent to use, and what heat setting to use. Following these instructions will help prevent shrinkage and keep the sweatshirt looking new.


In conclusion, fleece sweatshirts are comfortable and provide warmth during cold weather. However, they are prone to shrinking if not washed correctly. To prevent fleece sweatshirts from shrinking, wash them in cold water, use a mild detergent, avoid high heat, stretch the sweatshirt gently after washing, and follow the care label instructions. By doing this, you can ensure that your fleece sweatshirt remains in excellent condition and lasts for a long time.

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