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do brandy melville sweatshirts shrink

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-21

Do Brandy Melville Sweatshirts Shrink?

Brandy Melville is a well-known name in the fashion industry. They are known for their trendy and high-quality clothing items that cater to the needs of the younger generation. One of the most popular items of clothing from the brand is their sweatshirts. However, if you have invested in a Brandy Melville sweatshirt, you might be wondering if they shrink or not.

In this article, we will explore whether Brandy Melville sweatshirts shrink or not. We will delve into the factors that can affect the shrinkage of the sweatshirt and provide tips on how to care for these items.

Why Can Sweatshirts Shrink?

Sweatshirts can shrink due to several reasons. Fiber type, washing methods, and drying methods are the most significant factors that can impact the size of your sweatshirts.

Fiber Type

The type of fiber in your sweatshirt can hugely affect its shrinkage level. Natural fibers like wool, cotton, and silk are prone to shrinking because of their intrinsic property of reducing the volume when exposed to moisture. Synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon, on the other hand, are more resistant to shrinkage.

Washing Method

The washing method you use can significantly impact the shrinkage of your Brandy Melville sweatshirt. Sweatshirts made of cotton, wool, and silk should be washed using cold water and mild detergents to avoid any shrinkage. Hot water and harsh detergents can cause the fiber to tighten up, leading to shrinkage.

Drying Method

The drying method can also impact the shrinkage of your sweatshirt. Air drying is the best way to dry all types of fibers. However, some materials like wool and silk can risk stretching or distortion when hung to dry. In such cases, laying the item flat on a towel or drying it on a cool setting can help.

Tips to Care for Your Brandy Melville Sweatshirt

Caring for your Brandy Melville sweatshirt is essential to ensure it stays in good condition. Here are some tips on how to care for your sweatshirt to keep it looking great for years to come.

Read the Care Label

The care label provided with the sweatshirt can give you explicit instructions on how to care for it best. Follow the instructions provided on the label to avoid any shrinkage or damage to the item.

Wash Sweatshirts Separately

Washing your sweatshirt separately can prevent color bleeding, which can cause your sweatshirt to look faded or discolored. Wash your sweatshirt with mild detergents to avoid any damage to the item.

Avoid High Temperatures

Avoid using hot water while washing or drying your sweatshirt. High temperatures can cause shrinkage, distortion or fading of the color. Wash your sweatshirt using cold water and mild detergents instead.

Dry Your Sweatshirt Carefully

Avoid using high heat settings while drying your Brandy Melville sweatshirt. Heat can damage the material and cause shrinkage. Air drying is the best way to dry sweatshirts. If you must use a dryer, use a low or cool setting.

Store Properly

Properly storing your sweatshirt can prevent it from losing shape or getting wrinkled. Fold and store your sweatshirt in a cool, dry place to avoid any moisture buildup.


Brandy Melville sweatshirts are a must-have item for fashion-conscious individuals. However, it is essential to take care of these items to keep them looking great for years to come. Follow the tips mentioned in this article to avoid any shrinkage or damage to your sweatshirt. By keeping your sweatshirt well-maintained, you can ensure that it lasts for many seasons to come.

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