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do 50 50 sweatshirts shrink

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-21


Sweatshirts are a popular clothing item for many people, whether they use them for workouts, casual outings, or dressing up. However, one of the most important factors that make a sweatshirt comfortable to wear is its fit. Some people may wonder if 50/50 sweatshirts shrink, and if so, how much. In this article, we will explore whether 50/50 sweatshirts shrink and how to prevent them from doing so.

What are 50/50 sweatshirts?

50/50 sweatshirts are made of a blend of 50% cotton and 50% polyester. Cotton is known for being soft and breathable, while polyester is known for being durable and resistant to shrinking. These two materials are blended to create a fabric that combines the best qualities of both materials.

Do 50/50 sweatshirts shrink?

The short answer is yes, 50/50 sweatshirts can shrink. However, the extent to which they shrink depends on several factors such as the quality of the fabric, the washing and drying process, and the temperature.

Factors that can cause 50/50 sweatshirts to shrink:

Hot water: Washing sweatshirts in hot water can cause the fabric to shrink. Hot water causes the fibers of the fabric to tighten, leading to a tighter fit.

Drying on high heat: Similar to washing in hot water, drying on high heat can cause the fibers of the fabric to tighten, leading to a tighter fit.

Poor quality fabrics: Cheap or low-quality fabrics may shrink more easily than higher-quality fabrics.

How to Prevent your 50/50 sweatshirt from shrinking:

Wash in cold water: Washing sweatshirts in cold water can prevent the fibers from tightening, leading to less shrinking.

Air drying: Instead of using a dryer, air drying your sweatshirt can prevent shrinking. If you must use a dryer, use the lowest heat setting possible.

Use high-quality fabrics: Higher-quality fabrics may shrink less than lower-quality fabrics.


In conclusion, 50/50 sweatshirts can shrink, but the extent to which they do depends on several factors. Hot water, high heat in the dryer, and poor-quality fabrics can all cause sweatshirts to shrink. If you want to prevent your sweatshirt from shrinking, wash it in cold water and air dry it, or use the lowest heat setting on your dryer. Using high-quality fabrics can also help prevent shrinking. With proper care and maintenance, 50/50 sweatshirts can remain a comfortable and stylish choice for years to come.

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