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can you wash sweatshirts with towels

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-22

Can You Wash Sweatshirts with Towels?

Sweatshirts are a common staple in anyone's wardrobe. They are comfortable, easy-to-wear, and versatile. However, when it comes to doing laundry, many people may wonder if they can wash sweatshirts with towels. The answer is yes, they can.

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about washing sweatshirts with towels, including the benefits, precautions, and tips.

Why Wash Sweatshirts with Towels?

Washing sweatshirts with towels is a great way to save time, energy, and water. It is also an excellent way to keep your laundry load more organized and efficient. By combining both items in the same wash, you can reduce the number of loads you have to do, which can ultimately save you money on water bills.

Furthermore, sweatshirts and towels share many similar characteristics. They are made from absorbent materials that tend to hold water and sweat. By washing them together, you can ensure that they both receive a thorough cleaning, which can help prolong their lifespan and keep them fresh and fluffy.

Precautions to Take

Although it is perfectly safe to wash sweatshirts with towels, there are a few precautions you should take to avoid damaging your clothes or washing machine.

Firstly, make sure to sort your laundry before washing. Separating your clothes based on color, fabric, and texture can prevent color bleeding or pilling. It is also a good idea to read the care label on your sweatshirt and towels to ensure that they can be washed together.

Secondly, try not to overload your washing machine. Overcrowding can increase the friction between the clothes, causing them to pill or shrink. A general rule of thumb is to fill your washing machine to 80% of its capacity.

Thirdly, avoid using too much detergent or fabric softener. Both can leave a residue on your clothes, making them less absorbent and fluffy. A small amount of detergent and a fabric softener sheet is usually enough for a regular wash.

Tips for Washing Sweatshirts with Towels

Now that you know the benefits and precautions, let's dive into some tips for washing sweatshirts with towels.

Tip 1: Use a gentle cycle

Sweatshirts and towels are delicate fabrics that require a gentle wash cycle. Using a gentle cycle can prevent damage and help maintain the integrity of your clothes. It is also a good idea to set your machine's temperature to cold or warm instead of hot, as hot water can shrink or fade fabrics.

Tip 2: Turn your sweatshirt inside out

Turning your sweatshirt inside out can prevent the design or color from fading or rubbing against other clothes. It can also help protect the outer layer from friction, reducing the chances of pilling.

Tip 3: Avoid using bleach

Bleach can be harsh on fabrics, causing them to weaken or discolor. Instead of using bleach, try using a stain remover or pre-treating the stained areas with a mixture of water and detergent.

Tip 4: Hang-dry your garments

After washing, avoid throwing your sweatshirt and towels in the dryer. The heat and tumbling can cause shrinkage or pilling. Instead, hang-dry your garments outside or on a drying rack. This can help maintain their shape, texture, and color.

Tip 5: Fluff your towels

Once your towels are dry, fluff them up by placing them in the dryer with a few tennis balls or dryer balls. This can help restore their fluffiness and absorbency.


In summary, washing sweatshirts with towels is a great way to save time, energy, and water. It is also an efficient way to keep your laundry load organized and thorough. However, it is essential to take precautions and follow the tips to prevent damage or shrinking. With a little bit of care and attention, you can keep your sweatshirts and towels fresh, clean, and fluffy.

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