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can you wash sweatshirts in hot water

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-22

Sweatshirts are not only comfortable and cozy but also a fashion staple that can be worn all year round. They are perfect for keeping you warm during the colder months, and they are also great for chilly summer evenings. When it comes to washing your sweatshirt, you may be wondering whether you can wash it in hot water. In this article, we will explore whether you can wash sweatshirts in hot water and what to consider before washing them.

Why Wash Your Sweatshirt in Hot Water?

Washing your sweatshirt in hot water is said to be an effective way of getting rid of dirt, stains, and germs. Hot water can easily break down any dirt or sweat accumulated on your sweatshirt, leaving it clean and fresh. It is also believed to kill germs that may cause body odor, thus leaving your sweatshirt hygienic. However, before washing your sweatshirt in hot water, there are a few things you should consider.

Consider the Material

It is important to choose the right water temperature and wash cycle according to the material of your sweatshirt. 100% cotton sweatshirts can handle hot water, but it is important to check the care label to ensure that it is safe to use hot water. Some sweatshirts may be made of delicate materials that may shrink or become damaged in hot water. You should avoid washing sweatshirts made of wool, silk, or other delicate materials in hot water.

Check the Care Label

The care label on your sweatshirt will provide you with valuable information about the proper care and washing instructions for your sweatshirt. It is important to follow the instructions on the label to ensure that your sweatshirt retains its shape, color, and texture after washing. If the care label specifies that your sweatshirt can be washed in hot water, then go ahead and use hot water. However, if the care label advises against washing the sweatshirt in hot water, then it is better to follow the instructions and use cold water.

Use a Color-Safe Detergent

Using a color-safe detergent can help to prevent color bleeding and fading. Hot water can cause colors to fade faster than cold water, especially for bright and dark colors. Therefore, it is important to choose a detergent that is suitable for your sweatshirt's color and use it according to the instructions. If you are not sure which detergent to use, then check with the manufacturer or store staff before washing.

Pre-Treat Stains and Dirt

Before washing your sweatshirt in hot water, it is essential to pre-treat any stains or dirt on the fabric. This will help to remove the dirt or stains effectively and prevent them from setting in permanently. You can use a stain remover or liquid detergent to pre-treat any stains or dirt. Apply the pre-treatment carefully according to the instructions, and leave it on for a few minutes before washing.


In conclusion, washing sweatshirts in hot water is okay if the care label and material allow it. If you choose to wash your sweatshirt in hot water, remember to use a color-safe detergent, pre-treat any stains or dirt, and use a proper wash cycle. However, if the care label and material advise against using hot water, it is best to avoid it to prevent deformation, shrinkage, or damage to your sweatshirt. Finally, it is advisable to air dry your sweatshirt instead of using a dryer to prevent shrinking and deformation. With these tips, you can keep your sweatshirt clean, fresh, and hygienic all year round.

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