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can you dry sweatshirts in the dryer

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-23

Can You Dry Sweatshirts in the Dryer?

Sweatshirts are essential clothing items that we all have in our wardrobes. They are comfortable, warm, and stylish. However, when it comes to washing them, many of us get confused about whether we can dry them in the dryer or not. In this article, we will discuss this topic in-depth and answer all your queries related to it.

Understanding Sweatshirts and Their Fabric

Before we can answer if you can dry sweatshirts in a dryer, it's essential to understand the fabric of sweatshirts. Usually, sweatshirts are made of cotton, polyester, or a blend of both. Cotton is a breathable fabric, whereas polyester is wrinkle-resistant and dries quickly.

Can You Dry Sweatshirts in a Dryer?

One question that everyone has in their mind is whether they can dry sweatshirts in a dryer. The answer is yes, but it depends on the sweatshirt's fabric.

Drying Cotton Sweatshirts in a Dryer

If your sweatshirt is made of pure cotton, you can dry it in a dryer, but make sure to keep the settings low. Excessive heat can shrink the fabric, and you must avoid it at all costs. Also, if your cotton sweatshirt has any print, logo, or design on it, you should avoid drying it in the machine. The heat can damage the print and fade the colors. Air-drying such sweatshirts is the best option.

Drying Polyester Sweatshirts in a Dryer

Polyester sweatshirts are easy to dry in a dryer. They dry quickly due to their synthetic fabric and do not need excessive heat. However, make sure to set the dryer at a low temperature to avoid the risk of shrinkage. Unlike cotton sweatshirts, polyester sweatshirts can be dried in the machine, even if they have prints, logos or designs. They are less likely to fade or get damaged during the drying process.

Tips for Drying Sweatshirts in the Dryer

Now that you know you can dry sweatshirts in a dryer, here are some tips that can help you get the best results.

1. Use Low Heat: Always use low heat settings for drying cotton sweatshirts. High heat can shrink the fabric, and that is something you want to avoid at all costs.

2. Turn the Sweatshirt Inside Out: To protect the print or design on your sweatshirt, turn it inside out before placing it in the dryer.

3. Avoid Overloading the Dryer: Avoid overloading the dryer with too many sweatshirts. This can prevent proper air circulation, and the dryer may not dry your sweatshirts effectively.

4. Don't Use Fabric Softeners: Avoid using fabric softeners for your sweatshirts as they can decrease the absorbency of the fabric, making it less effective.

5. Shake Out the Sweatshirt: Before putting the sweatshirt in the dryer, shake it out to remove any excess water. This can help in quick and effective drying.


In conclusion, whether you can dry sweatshirts in a dryer or not mainly depends on the fabric of the sweatshirt. Cotton sweatshirts require low heat settings, while polyester sweatshirts can withstand higher temperatures. By following the tips mentioned here, you can ensure your sweatshirts come out of the dryer looking fresh, clean, and as good as new.

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