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thin black hoodie mens how to create the funniest viral dog videos -

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2019-08-10

Than their competitors.The dog video went viral over and over again.
Do you think your dog is necessary to become an internet sensation?
Making viral videos is not an accurate science.It's hard to know exactly what people will find interesting enough to share widely, and what stupid things might become bland.But with some reliable inbound marketing skills and the right strategy, you can be successful on the way forward.
In this article, we will give you some tips on how to create a virus video.Read on and learn how to spread some laughter.
You need to do some preliminary research before you start making videos.You need to know what trends are coming up and which ones are out of date.
Research keywords related to dog videos and other current virus clicks.Figure out what trends are and how you can take advantage of this in your own unique way.
Because you want your video to spread out of English.

.This can help you get a wider audience for your dog video.
The best performing dog video is usually fun.

It is easier to share like a smile.
Dogs themselves are often interesting.The key is to capture them at the right moment or in the right case.
Think about what your dog did to make you laugh.Do they steal food, or are they reacting to a certain cat, or are they freaking out when they see you take out your belt?
You can also take your dogs to new places and see how they react.

Start taking them with you.You will be surprised that the changes in the scenery will give your dog an interesting side.
Once you have some ideas, you can start brainstorming how to make these interesting things more interesting.
3.What makes your dog unique?
Each dog is unique.It is this uniqueness that makes dog videos so fun and cute.
Usually, it is this uniqueness that makes pet video a virus.

A cat known for its deformed bones, it makes her tongue stick out and makes her look a little strange.Her strange appearance made her so popular.
She is definitely a very unique cat.It is this uniqueness that makes Lil Bub different from all the other cats competing for Internet attention.
Uniqueness has nothing to do with their appearance.It may be that they like to sleep in strange places or strange places, or it may be that they will do interesting things.
In general, their unique features should be moving.In the second step, you have decided something interesting.With that warm and fuzzy feeling, it is more likely that people will share this unique feeling.
Some of the best viral videos work well because they are very simple.People who slip on a piece of ice may get more views of what you have cleverly written.
To increase your dog video's chances of getting viral, keep your video short.If the funny part of your video is that your dog fails while chasing a squirrel, you don't need two minutes before and after your dog has just crossed the park.
The longer the video takes, the less it shares.This means that the virus is less likely to spread.
Also, one advantage of dog video is that usually this joke can be used in any language.Dogs don't need to talk for fun.
By keeping it simple and focusing only on what your dog is doing, you can increase the coverage of your video.This video will be fun no matter what the audience speaks English, French, Spanish or whatever.

).Many viral videos are just taken on the phone and don't require fancy devices.
Since you have completed the previous steps, you may be well aware of what you want to capture in the movie.Keep shooting your dog while you think your dog might do something fun for them.
However, do not try to force it.For the video, it would be better if it looked natural.If people can tell you that you just have your dog do a trick for the camera, it won't have the same effect.
Just shoot a lot of videos as often as possible and you'll be sure to catch something great.You can even shoot your dog when you don't expect anything interesting at all.They might surprise you!
To improve the chances of video being viral, you should try to build a follower.Create a YouTube channel for your dog and link social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
You may have quite a few shots because you 've been filming your dog.Pick out the best part and edit it into a short video.Over time you will want to post them and build an audience for your dog.This way, when you have a very funny video, you already have a loyal audience who wants to share it.
Once you have a dog video with viral potential, there are a lot of things you can do to improve its ability to share.Let's go through this now.
Remember the keywords you studied before?When they become particularly important.
Do some quick keyword research again to see if anything has changed.Are your keywords still on the rise?Write down any keywords you haven't stated before.
Then, when you post your first video, use as many of these keywords as you can.The file name should be simple and contain the most important keywords.The video title should contain the keywords and uniqueness of the video.
Some viral videos describe the interesting parts in the title so it's easier for people to search.For example, "Dog Catch Ball failure" mimics the type of person trying to find it.
However, it is also a good idea to include the name of your dog in the title.If you build tracking for your dog in many videos, this is a good strategy.
As for descriptions and tags, keep using these keywords!The more places you can use keywords, the higher your dog videos rank in search.
In the description, include links to other platforms.If you have a related social media account, you can also link to the website.
If you want to spread the virus, your mantra should be "mobile first ".

Done on a smartphone.So if the video you make is great on the desktop, but it's hard to see on a mobile device, you'll miss half of the audience.
Because the viewing screen is small, you need to keep the video simple.A movie close to your dogIf your dog is doing something funny but is just a spot on the horizon, no one will share it on mobile.
Square video works better to optimize Facebook and Instagram.On YouTube and Twitter, widescreen is still the best option.
Also, make sure that any text or graphics in the video are large and clear.The white font with fine black outline works best.
Subtitles and subtitles can attract more attention on Facebook.Because Facebook has a silent autoplay feature, there is some text that can get people's attention and let them click on the video.
Subtitles and subtitles will also increase your SEO ranking, especially if you can use some key words in it.Just don't sacrifice content to fill in keywords.Of course, it's easier for people to find it, but you don't want to make the video itself less enjoyable.
This also makes it easier to get your video because people with hearing impairment can also enjoy it.In addition, this means it can be translated more easily for an international audience.This makes your video more in-depth!

Now you have all the tools you need to make a viral dog video.Capturing the most interesting side of your dog and touching unique features is just the first part.Powerful online display and Seo will then help you build an audience that shares your viral hits.
What about the best part?You can do it all with your best friendyour dog!
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