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by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2019-08-12

The Bell at Eastwood High School rang, marking the end of the second phase.Rectangular fluorescent lamps hanging above the classroom and in the classroom make the navy blue walls glow.The floor of the whole building is covered with white tiles.In the middle of the gray locker is the door of the classroom.The students gradually filled the hall, some went to the lockers and others met and chatted with friends.
Page and Julie came out of the English class, walked to the end of the hall and came to the locker of paijie.When she put down her textbook and a copy of William Shakespeare, it opened.
At least we can stop carrying these thick textbooks with us.
It will be a good rest.
She heard some tearing before she closed the locker.Looking down at her blue jeans, there was a tear on her knee.She must have caught her locker again.It was not until Jack came to them and his chin fell that she shook it off.
We need to take you to the nurse's office.
She took paijie's hand and looked around. no one noticed it.Then someone pointed to page and people began to laugh.Jack put his school team on page.Julie took her to the nurse's office.
Nurse Stephens sat at her desk in a navy uniform.She looked up and saw page and Julie walking in.
Paige nodded and nurse Stephens gave her a pair of purple scrubs and she walked into the bathroom.When the bell rings to start a new period, Julie sits on an extra desk.Her old clothes flew out and fell into Juliet's hands.She rubbed them in a ball and threw them into the trash can.Nurse Stephens called Jed Jacobs and hung up when Page walked out of the bathroom with jake's jacket.
When did it happen?
Between the changes from Phase II to Phase III.
I noticed that luckily Jack showed up and gave her his jacket.
I called your mom.She's on her way over.You two can hang out before she comes.
Nurse Stephens left her office.Page is sitting on a little blue bed.
She noticed that her hair had now dropped further from her shoulder.It looked darker and Julie turned to her.
So what happens now?
Page shrugged his shoulders and put his knee into his chest.
My parents have planned everything.When my mom comes, let's see what she says.
At noon, Jed came in and saw her daughter.She is mature and looks 18 years old.

Page looked up at his mother and stood up.They hugged together, and Jed looked back at his daughter.
You look beautiful.
Page smiled at her mother and turned to Julie.
Thank you Julie for bringing her here.
This is the lady with no problem.Jacobs.
Nurse Stephens walked in and handed Julie a note.
Give it to your teacher, Julie.I can forgive you for being late.Mrs.Everything was arranged.
Thank you, nurse Stephens.
Julie and page waved to each other as they ran each other.Jed bought a 2016 Lincoln MKX gold and was so successful in the lounge last year.The door was unlocked. She and Paige went in.Slide over the light brown leather seat.Paige came out of the school parking lot and hugged jake's jacket.It smells like the Cologne she bought for him last year.She stared out of the window for the rest of her journey.
Driving into the long lane, it was strange to go home so early.She is used to doing it according to her schedule and now everything is stopped.She thought the day had been ruined and her stomach clenched.The thoughts of the students still echo in her mind.These comments are both harsh and hurtful.
The opening of the door broke the silence between her and her mother.They got out of the car and entered the house.Sasha rushed into the living room and jumped up while Page was sitting on the sofa.She hugged the demon dog.
How do you feel?
Still a little scared.Everyone saw my clothes torn and I heard them thinking.Then the laughter began.
Jed bent over one knee and hugged page.
I'm sorry, baby.

A tissue box floats on her lap and she grabs two, one for the blow nose and the other for the tears to dry.
So what happens now?
You will finish your junior year at home.I hired a tutor with your father.She's coming next week.By the beginning of your senior year, you will return to school.So enjoy this little holiday this week.Also, if you would like your room to be redecorated to accommodate the new you, I put the catalogue on your desk.Also clothing catalogue.
âx80x9cGreat.What about my old clothes?
There are two black garbage bags on your bed.They will be donated to the sanctuary.You can borrow my clothes for the time being before your new clothes arrive.
She smiled;Maybe not so bad.The best part is to go back at the beginning of the senior year and by then the whole event will be in the distant past.Jade reached out, a pair of jeans, a green t-The shirt and black flip-flops fell on the legs of pyje.
Go and change your clothes. you can tidy up your clothes.
Page nodded and two more items landed on the top of the pile.She looked down at a sports bra and underwear.Sasha followed her into the room.Two garbage bags went up into the air and fell in front of her bed and opened.She put the frosted cloth under her pillow thinking they might be temporary pajamas.After changing her clothes, her wardrobe was opened, and there were labels on some clothes.Sad as it is, they will use it in safe harbor.Five minutes later, both bags were filled, one with daily clothes and the other with pajamas.
She sent the bag to the front door and she saw the catalogue on the dresser.Sitting next to her bed, Sasha began to look through the clothing catalogue.Jed appeared at her door.
Hey, I'm going to put my clothes down and stop to get some sandwiches from the deli.Do you want one?
Can you get me my usual sandwich?
âx80x9cNo problem.I will be back in a few minutes.
She heard the door lock and watched her mother pull out of the driveway.Back in the catalogue on her lap, a black pen flew into her hands.She began to turn around clothes, tops, dresses, jeans and skirts.When Sasha jumped off the bed and started barking, she was browsing the underwear area.
She sighed, got up and walked towards the patio door, and stopped barking.She nervously recalled her training with aunt Yu.The door to the patio opened and she jumped out of the Amber floor.Sasha went out and sat down.
You almost gave me a heart attack.What are you doing here?
She stood up and helped Amber stand up.She adjusted her black clothes and pigtails and took a step back breathlessly.
Small telepathy?
When Sasha walked over and sat next to her, page blushed.
At school this morning.Julie and Jack are there to help.
Wolf Girl and Mars are cool.
What are you doing here?
Does telepathy leave me at home?
No, she should be back soon.

OK, there is a seat on the sofa.
She sat on the sofa with her catalogue and pen in her hand.
Paige nodded and Sasha flashed next to her.
My old clothes are too small.So it's time to change a brand new wardrobe.
Amber Paige's look is not on the table of contents.

She pointed to a green crystal on the silver chain.

The front door was unlocked and Jade came in with a brown paper bag.
âx80x9cHey.It's a good thing I bought three sandwiches.
âx80x9cHi Telepath.
Come and sit at the table in the restaurant.
Both girls stood up and sat down.Jed put the brown bag on the table and went into the kitchen.The plates flew out and landed in front of them.Jade took out a can of soda and a bowl of potato chips.They opened the sandwich and started eating.
What's going on with Amber?
Would you like to ask if you use the lounge for your birthday?
âx80x9cSure;Is it a surprise?
Amber nodded his head and a little pink on his cheek.
I don't know. I want to see the menu, drinks and decorations.
When is his birthday?
âx80x9cTwo weeks;
âx80x9cNo problem;What kind of decoration are you thinking?
Blue-green and black balloons with matching streamers happy birthday logo.
How's the menu?
There is a small book and pen on the table.
I would like the famous chicken wings, burgers, chips and birthday cake from wolf.
Jade smiled and wrote everything down.
Who would you like to invite?
Want to keep the little gray, Trina, Pixy and Aaron, the little cat and Eden, The Lady and the partner of the upper, the wolf;And you and the Wizard.
âx80x9cOk;Did you buy the invitation?
Amber nodded and will send them out this weekend.
âx80x9cGood idea.If you deliver them yourself, make sure they end up in the mailbox.
Can small telepathy come with Fire Starter?

âx80x9cIâx80x99ll go.I will let Jack know.
Amber came home an hour later.Paige helped clean up and Sasha was waiting at the front door with her black belt.She smiled, clipped the hook and walked outside.Jed was sitting on the sofa and her cell phone flew into her hands and she dialed the phone.It rang several times until someone answered the phone.
Jacobs, Franks and Brown, how can I get your call?
Please call me Ryan Jacobs. this is his wife.
âx80x9cHello Jade;how are you?
I'm good Karen.
âx80x9cGood;Wait till I turn you around.
Classical music didn't sound until he picked up the phone.

Hey, I hope I won't disturb your day.
âx80x9cNo.I got your text but I was in court.How is she?
Adjustment; adjustmentIt takes time.I think she inherited your ability.I know you are excited, but I would say, prepare a binding potion if there is one.
I will prepare one when I get home.Or is she okay?
Everything will be fine.Like I said, it takes some time.I will take her to my sister's house for training later.
âx80x9cAlright;I have to go back to work.I love you.
I love you too.I'll see you later.
She walked along the side of the road with Sasha.Although a few cars will come over, it is still quiet.There was a chill on her spine, someone nearby.She walked on.She saw a high shadow from the corner of her eye.
âx80x9cHello Paige.
Hello, uncle Ash.âx80x9d She paused;Did my mother send you?
âx80x9cNo;I feel what's happening.
I forgot how powerful you are.
He laughed as they continued.
I did hide some of my power.This is only because they are used in combat.But I know they are there if I need them.Did you inherit the power of your father?
She shrugged her shoulders and stopped. he put his arm around her.
I'm scared.I remember how Aphrodite said I was a powerful hybrid.If I were, I might be so strong that I was afraid;But how do I control all the power?
You don't have to be afraid.Your parents and all of us will be there to help you.I think you will be fine.
Thank you for your vote of confidence.
He smiled and they turned and walked home.As she walked up the driveway, she waved and he flashed.
Walking in, she unwrapped the sand belt and walked over to her water bowl.Jed sat on the sofa reading.She sat down and put her legs on her mother's lap.
Did you have a good chat with Ash?
âx80x9cI did.Mom, when did you happen?
This was the week before I started college.Mike Esposito and I went out.He started dating me since I was a freshman.He was admitted to New York University.I live here.That night, before he left to move into the dormitory, we went to Lake Happel last night.We went swimming. after jumping, I came up to breathe and felt my swimsuit was too small.Mike knows my abilities. he brought a pair of casual pants and t-shirt.I called your grandparents and they came to pick me up.It's a little strange to go home and see me in the mirror.I don't think I will change.Love takes time, I know you will be fine.
Page smiled and stood up.
I'm going to lie down for a while.
âx80x9cAlright;I will wake you up at about six.We're going to Aunt Jed's house.
At about four, she felt her arms wrapped around her.Then kiss her neck with her lips.She opened her eyes and turned her head to see Jack.He pulled her closer, she leaned her head against his shoulder, and her legs wrapped around him.
What are you doing here?
Let me see how you insist.
Does my mom know you're here on Thanksgiving Day?
He smiled and she should have felt my magic.I blocked the room so she couldn't hear us.

Page giggled and she threw Jack on his back and looked down at him.
So are people still talking this morning?
He sighed and it was no use trying to lie to her.She can read his thoughts and find out the truth.
âx80x9cYeah.Mainly cheerleaders and other popular people.
What about your teammates?
They were actually worried.You know most of them, they are pretty decent people.
I know there's a reason I like them.
He smiled, pinked and sat up.
I have homework even though I would love to stay.Do you want to go to the movies on Friday?
âx80x9cAlright;and sure.Want to see the zoo?
âx80x9cSure;I will buy the tickets for us.
She got up and hugged him tightly.He kissed her overhead and flashed.Jed came in, and pajie's cheek was light pink.
Well, at least I didn't interrupt anything.It was so nice of him to come here.
âx80x9cIt was.I have gone through the clothing catalogue.I have to double the bedding and furniture.
The catalogue fell in jade's hand and she smiled.
Great, I will place an order.If you find anything, give me the rest.Keep in mind that we have to leave here in an hour and a half.
âx80x9cI will.And I know.
She sat down at her desk and began to look through the furniture catalogue.An off-white set;Two bedside tables and drawers caught her attention.The handle is in the shape of the moon.She circled it with a shoe rack that was placed in the closet.
At the age of six, they stopped at the house of Jade dean.The sun has sunk below the horizon.Page noticed that the curtains and blinds were open.Walking on the steps of the porch, the front door opened and they went in.
The door behind them closed and locked.Something blurry along the stairs, Jed.Behind page.
"Beautiful Girl ".
Page turned to face her aunt Mitch, blurred down the stairs and appeared next to his wife.
Hello Aunt Jade, Uncle Mickey.
She hugged both of them.Jed took her to the backyard.Mickey and Jed J followed behind and sat in two recliner chairs.There are six wooden pillars, each with a square glass vase filled with marbles.
I want to see if your strength has increased.Emerald D is suspended;Aim at the vase in the middle and do a push like this.
Paige practiced before facing her goal.She repeated the action and the vase broke.The marbles fell to the ground.
âx80x9cNot bad;Target other targets.
To break all the vases, Page did different moves.Mickey handed the Jade a bottle of water.
Did she inherit Ryan's power?
I have a feeling that she did it.Ryan is excited, but Paige is afraid to have all the power.

Page punched and kicked in the air.Jed Dean looked and then noticed a tear on her cheek.
Mortals can be cruel beautiful girls.Especially those who are jealous of our abilities.
She stopped and the jade nodded and continued.
Don't let them come to you.You can defend yourself unless they attack you first.
âx80x9cI know.It's hard not to do anything.
You will learn to love.
Page sighed and held out his right hand hard.Once her fist is in contact with her back, it will fly up and hit the fence.

She laughed when she tied her hair back to her ponytail.
This is all for tonight.âx80x9d Jade D.
Jed and page drove home and drove the car into the driveway. Ryan and Sasha are playing tennis.When he saw page get off the bus, his eyes lit up and he came to her.When Jed went in, they hugged.
You look beautiful.
âx80x9cThanks dad.
I want you to try it for me.
Reach out your hand, palm up and concentrate.I want to see if you can change the energy ball.
She did what he asked, took a deep breath and put it out.Gradually, small lightning sparks appeared, and a green energy ball gradually formed in her hand.Her eyes lit up and Ryan stood beside her stunned.It floated out of her hand and she threw it into the air.It blooms into green petals.

Okay, honey.I have prepared a binding potion if you do not want to keep these forces.
I need to think about this.
This is good.You tell me.At the same time, do you want to know about this ship?
First of all, anything you send to the world;Can come back three times.Some witches have the ability to heal, to see prophecies, or events that control elements.It refers to the earth, air, fire and water.You seem blessed by the power of the Earth.There are more and more spells and potions.
Page nodded when he handed her Sand's tennis ball.She threw it into the air.Sasha went after her.At midnight, Sasha was reading in bed.She put the book on the bedside table and turned off the light and fell asleep.
The next morning, Sasha was licking her face when she woke up.She yawned and sat up and saw the bedroom door open slightly.At 11: 00, she looked at the alarm clock. there was a small white box on the table, which attracted her attention.It floats on her leg.She opened the lid and panted to see a robotic turbine inside.
She opened it and saw a text message.

Good Morning Peggy.When you started driving in your senior year, we bought this phone for you.Currently you have unlimited calls, text and 2g data.I already got you in touch with Wi.Fi in the HouseEnjoy and call if you need anything-

She laughed when she checked the contact.Her only number is her father's office and mobile phone, as well as her mother's mobile phone and aunt Yu.She got up from her bed and walked into her parents' bedroom.There's a pair of jeans and a blue t-Shirt and clean underwear on the bed.She picked them up and went into the bathroom.
The semi-As she walked under the shower head, the warm water felt like she couldn't breathe.She opened a bottle of shampoo and poured a small amount in her hand.When she walked into the room dressed and put her scrub under the pillow.

Amber sits on the bed in black jeans and a matching T-shirtShirt with pink skull on the front.
Hi, little telepathy!
Are you busy today?
Can you take me into town?I need a change.
âx80x9cNo problem.Hold on.
They came out of town by the fountain.It was quiet;People walk past or walk into a shop occasionally.
âx80x9cWhere to?

She took Paige's hand and walked to the salon while Melody was working.Walking inside, the music rang and the Melody sat behind the dark wooden receptionist desk.White tiles have black mats around each station, running through the building.The huge square mirror is double sided and each dark wooden station is covered with supplies.
Hey Amber, what's up?
Hi little white tiger!You free?
Good luck to you.My next client has to reschedule what do you want to do today?
Amber shook his head, not me.Little telepathy met little white tiger girl.
âx80x9cHey Melody.
âx80x9cPaige?Wow, it's been a long time.Pause the melody;Come back. we can discuss what you want to do.
They walked back to her station and Paige sat down and Melody stood behind her.
So what do you want to do?
Trim and green highlights.
âx80x9cAlright;Your parents are cool about this?
Page nodded. at least I don't have a tattoo.
The melody and Amber laughed.
Head back to the shampoo station.Once you finish there, we will start.
Page nodded and walked back to a row of four black sinks and matching recliners.A young girl, about eighteen years old, with blonde hair, motioned her to sit in the middle chair.She started running water and adjusted it.Then start to wet pajie's hair.
So who's doing hair today?

Page closed his eyes and began listening to rock music played by many speakers from the entire salon.After a few minutes, the water was off.The girl asked Page to sit there and dry her hair with another towel.
It's all over.
She felt the girl was a fairy and went to college in town.Page walked back to Melody station and sat down.A purple work dress flew around her.The melody began to work.
So truant from school?
Something like this.Page paused;
âx80x9cFair enough.
An hour later, Paige paid for it and she and Amber walked towards the fountain.

âx80x9cThanks.I think it will be easier to highlight.
Want to go somewhere else?
She thought for a moment and then heard her stomach growling.They walked towards the restaurant with a smile.After sitting down and browsing the menu, a waiter ordered the food.
Thank you for coming with me.

Her cell phone rang and she looked at the text message.

When the waiter brought them Belgian waffles and fresh strawberries and cream, she dropped her phone.
Come to the sanctuary?The White Tiger has a new boundary, the wind demon.

Amber paid for breakfast and they flashed to the sanctuary.When they walked in, Page felt the wind demon was strong.After the goddess was overthrown, he came from another world ".She opened her eyes as she walked into the kitchen and Amber smiled.He is tall, thin and muscular.His icy blue eyes raised their heads, combing a wisp of black hair from behind a square face and ear hole.
He is wearing a pair of sneakers, blue jeans and a black T-shirt.shirt.Max sat opposite him, drinking a cup of tea.
Amber and Paige?Oh my god!It's been a long time.
She stood up and hugged her and Amber.Then she motioned them to sit down and they sat on the left side of maxi.
This is Wes, ladies.This is Amber and Paige.
Nice to meet you.

I hope you can take Wes around town.He was also brought to high school;He will finish his senior year.Most of his paperwork was sent by email, but he needed to sign some forms.Would you mind?
Is there no problem going now?
Max nodded, went to school first, and then you could take him around town.
He stood up and both girls looked up at him.They smiled, folded their hands and flashed.Page appeared outside the school and stopped before crossing the front door.
Are you waiting outside?
Peggy nodded his head, inside amber lead Wes.A few minutes later, they came out and saw page laughing.They began walking down the street.She thinks Wes is watching her.
Is everything okay with page?
âx80x9cYeah;Iâx80x99m fine.
Why don't you want to come in?
Called "Nosey ".
Okay, Amber.
They walked on, and Amber roared.
You already know Amber is a fire demon.Iâx80x99m a hybrid;The power of immortality, distance and telepathy, and witches.On my first birthday, I grew up looking like I was twelve and my growth rate was crazy.Just this week, I matured in front of my friends.The comments were not pleasant.
âx80x9cDamn;Sorry page.
âx80x9cItâx80x99s cool.At least we will start our senior year together and I will have family education for the rest of this semester.
They suddenly went into town.
This is downtown Eastwood.There are many shops, cafes, restaurants and parks across the street.
It looks different from another world.

I want to see it sometime.
This was weird;She has never been there since the goddess kidnapped her.Now a guy she just met offered to take her back.Maybe spontaneous is a side effect of her maturity.As they walked on, Amber pointed out more places to visit.Three days later, they returned to the shelter, and as Amber flew home, Wes and Page began walking down the street.
Thank you for taking me around.
âx80x9cNo problem;This is an opportunity to get out of the house.
He smiled and she felt hot on her cheeks.Now, the side effects must be completely effective. What happened?She shook and smiled.
Have you started school at home?
âx80x9cNext week;I can enjoy this little holiday.
âx80x9cCool.But before you know it's time to go back.
Remind me.I just want to spend the rest of the year and the summer.
Do your family go on vacation together?
I'm not sure about this year.My father is a lawyer and my mother is the owner of the round lounge.
The daughter of your Jed Jacobs?

Max and Alex told me about the place.Your mom did a great job with her sister.
She is not really her sister.They have been friends for a long time.Both of them have the same abilities, but my aunt is a vampire.
I thought a vampire's mind could not be read.
Although they can't, they have strong feelings.And can complete each other's sentences.If you see them, you will understand what I mean.But for me, is this like living in another world?
This is not terrible.My mother and I live by the lake, which is very quiet.Although the goddess sometimes makes a mess of it.After she was defeated, I decided it was time to see what was left.
They stopped at the corner and began to walk back.A car honked and a green Jeep drove towards them.Two girls in blue cheerleaders are laughing.
âx80x9cHey Paige.It shocked me that you decided to make a public appearance.
We thought you were going to become mad after the spell failed.
Monica Kelly;It's even more shocking to see that you still fit the size of your child.Anorexia is really rewarding.

Wes tried to control himself and laughed.The two girls glanced at them.
At least we are not a monster who can't control our power.
Monica giggled and she brushed her long brown hair off her face.Page growled and then turned out an energy ball.The girls began to laugh, but stopped laughing when the concentrated energy rose from her hands and shot into the sky.When it exploded, they drove away, and the green petals floated down around them.
Some fans of worship?
Something like this.Page paused;They can't stand them sometimes.
He walked up to them with a gray luggage bag.She hugged him tightly.
Hey, how about practice?
This is fierce.Who is your friend?
Oh, this is Wes;He will live in a shelter and start from high school.This is my boyfriend, Jack.He also lives in a shelter.
They shook hands and Paige felt Jack was a little worried about her being with a demon.
Nice to meet you.
Same people here.So far, I hope you like shelters.
Good, good;It is different from other worlds.
âx80x9cOh wow.This must be a huge adjustment.
âx80x9cIt is.
Anyway, let me go home.Jack, can you go with me?
âx80x9cSure.See you later, man.
Goodbye, Paige.
Page took his hand and they began to go.
I know you're jealous.You can relax;Amber and I took him around town.
It's not easy.Especially with someone who looks like a romantic novel.
Paige giggled and he was really nice and didn't know anyone.Can you try to be friendly and jealous less?
Jack sighed, okay;It must be an adjustment from another world.
âx80x9cI think so.
He pulled her very close, and she began to feel herself again.She took out her cell phone and turned it on.
When did you get it?
Come here this morning.Enter your number
He entered his number and handed her the phone.When he stopped, she stuffed it into her back pocket.He took her hand and slowly went up into the air, then flew back to her house in the rest of the road.They landed in her driveway and she hugged him tightly.
Thank you for your journey.
âx80x9cNo problem.
Please be as friendly as possible to Wes.
He smiled. I will try it.

She leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips.He waved as she walked in.Sasha is sunbathing in her backyard.She stood up and went outside to meet page.

Sasha barked and then licked Piper's hand.She scratched behind her ears, but stopped when she felt a car driving into the driveway.Her hand grabbed Sasha's collar and the devil dog looked up at her.
Bring us to the front of the house.
In a twinkling of an eye, she saw a silver Mercedes-Benz with a slight color in the window.The car closed and the door opened slowly.A young couple in their twenties went out.His hair is dark brown and her eyes are brown.Her hair was cut back.He was combed and separated in the middle.She wore black jeans in a dark purple T-shirt.shirt.He wore blue jeans and a gray T-shirt.shirt.
âx80x9cHello Paige.
They nodded and walked up to her.She hugged the two of them and took them in.When her grandparents were sitting on the sofa, the door closed behind her.Sasha went over and sniffed and lay down.
What are you doing here?
Your mother invited us to dinner to celebrate your maturity.
I think Jade meant to surprise Adrian.
âx80x9cMatt I know;We are earlier than expected.
It was a surprise.Page paused;Can I get you something to eat and drink?
Delicious honey.Sit down.
A dining chair appeared behind her and she sat down.Sasha sat next to her.She began to scratch behind her ears.
Your mom told us when it happened.We are sorry that mortals can be so cruel.
âx80x9cYeah;But I think I will live.
I think you can play when you are in senior year.
What do you mean by Grandpa?
A year that your classmates will not forget.You just need to be creative.

Sasha is very protective of you.
Sasha tilted her head to one side and walked up to them.They stroked her and sat next to page.
âx80x9cShe is.The demon dog is very loyal.
âx80x9cDemon dog?
Sasha showed your grandparents your wings.
Sasha screamed, and then her wings appeared on her back.They gasped as her wings folded away.
Supernatural pets?Now I see everything.
Page smiled. she was a trained police dog.
At the age of five, Jed saw her parents and page.
Hey mom, dad, I thought you were here late.
âx80x9cHello honey.
She and Matt stood up and hugged their daughter.Page hugged her, and the other dining chair floated over the water and fell next to paijie.
The traffic was not so bad.So we're earlier than we expected.
Very good.Anyway, let me freshen up with page and we go out for dinner together.Ryan will meet us at the restaurant.
Page followed her into the main bathroom.

âx80x9cThank you.Why don't you tell my grandparents to come?
Jed picked up the hair brush and tied his hair back into the ponytail.
It should be a surprise.But luck is on their side. They come here before me.She replied;Is your hair made by Melody?
While combing his hair, page nodded and tied a hair circle at the end of his hair.
Looks good.Are you ready?
âx80x9cLetâx80x99s go.
They walked out and saw Adrian and Matt standing at the door.
I will drive.
Her key was in her hand and everyone went out.She was locked and Sasha flashed into the backyard.They got into her car and drove into the main road.
How's your sister?
She was great and remarried again.
Did the police remarry?
âx80x9cYeah;I have a feeling that he will propose.When he asked me to help him pick a ring, he asked her it was only a matter of time.
Maybe we can see her when we are in town.
âx80x9cSure.I'll call her later tonight.She's still sleeping.
The car drove into a small shopping center and Ryan was standing outside a Chinese restaurant.
Hello Adrian, Matt.
He shook hands with Matt and then hugged Adrian.Jade kissed him and Paige hugged him tightly.

âx80x9cThanks dad.
They walked in.Laminate wood flooring runs through the restaurant until it encounters white tiles leading to the kitchen.An Asian-American man in kha cloth and navy polo shirt stood in the stands of the hotel.
âx80x9cHello.How many?
This way, please.
He led them into the restaurant and then into a larger room on the left.They sat down in front of a big round table.

They started browsing the menu.Page sat there thinking about what happened with Wes earlier.There was something on him, perhaps because he was new;Her curiosity must have taken advantage of her.And she's with Jack.He was the first man she kissed.She began rubbing both sides of her head with her index finger and middle finger.

Are you ready to order?
She noticed a young man standing next to the table.
Could you please give me an order for vegetable Romein and wonton soup?
The man nodded and collected all the menus.She sighed and tried to smile.


After dinner, she set aside this strange feeling and tried to enjoy seeing her grandparents.When they got home, she walked into the backyard and sat in the recliner.She looked up at the sky, the stars of the sky and the moon-shaped moon.
Is there anything about a beautiful girl?
She suddenly saw aunt Yu blocking her sight and Mickey was by her side.

Baby head inside, I will be with you soon.âx80x9d Jade D.
Mickey went in and a chair appeared next to him, and Jed sat down.
Please don't tell mom.
This sounds important.But I promise.
Page took a deep breath.
I'm with Amber today.She took me into town and after we had breakfast my hair became very melodic.She received a text message from Max and asked her to go to the shelter.There was a new boarder there and Max asked Amber to take him around town.As soon as we flashed, Aunt Jed walked into the kitchen and we were all shocked.
He's so handsome, right?
Page nodded, and he looked like he had come out of an exciting romantic novel.Anyway, his name is Wes.He lived in another world and decided to come here.Amber and I showed him around the town and he knew about the lounge and I was the daughter of one of the owners.But he offered to take me to another world and show me around. I agreed right away.I only saw him today.Is there something wrong with me?
Jade hugged her tightly and then tilted back with a smile.
There's nothing wrong with you beautiful girl.You have to trust your intuition that they will never fail.It's part of your strength and you know he won't hurt you.If he does, you know how to defend yourself.It would be nice to see you expand your circle of friends.
That's why I'm afraid.He's not just a friend. I don't want to hurt Jack.
Trust your intuition again.If it is doomed, then it is doomed.
Thank you, aunt Yu.
She hugged her tightly and then they got up.
Your mother is looking for us.
They went in and Adrian and Matt walked up to Jed and hugged her tightly.
Hello, adopted a third daughter.
Hi mom, pop music.How are you?
Dear, we are good partners.We're already in love with Mickey.
This is a relief.
Everyone laughed as they sat in the dining room chair and continued to speak.Ten people left and page walked into her room with Sasha.She changed into dirty clothes and lay down. the TV turned on. Sasha lay on the bed with her feet on the ground.

On Friday night, she and Jack walked out of the cinema after watching the zoo.
This is a great movie.

She fixed the skirt of her jeans and pulled down the purple vest at the back.Then put on her black zip hoodie.
Is that Julie?
She slowly raised her head to see her with another girl.She is tall with short red hair, blue eyes and fair skin.They saw page and Jack walk out of the theater.
âx80x9cIt is.Page paused;âx80x9cJulie!
âx80x9cHey you two.Whatâx80x99s up?
âx80x9cNot much;What did you see?
Julie paused;Oh, I'm sorry.This is my girlfriend Zoey.This is Jack and Paige, my best friend.
It is good to write the name on the face at last.Julie told me a lot about you.
Nice to meet you too.
Yes, it's really nice to meet you.
We are going to have something to eat by foot until Friday.Do you want to join us?
She took Jack's hand.He was confused and surprised.Julie and Zoe walked in front of them.
Do you know?
She is bisexual.
Jack nodded when they caught up with Julie and Zoe.Walking into the restaurant, a man sat in the back near the window and looked out at the parking lot.
So where did you meet?
The vintage clothing store in town a month ago.Zoey attended Westwood High School but came to our school to take part in the cooking program.
I'm surprised you didn't tell her about us.
Because I heard a lot about you.I kept letting her see you all at last.
They all laughed.Paige feels like Zoey is a werewolf.Her team has grown a lot.A waitress came over to pick up their order.
Are you two also supernatural?
âx80x9cWe are.
âx80x9cCool.Jack, I know you're a fire fairy.
Maybe you should explain it.
Paige smiled and I had telepathy and telepresence;In addition to my new magic.I am also a third generation fairy. my family does not live on blood.We can survive on human food, but we grew very fast at first.
âx80x9cWow;I smell a lot of different forces around you.So how fast?
For me, this happened two years after I was born.When I was one year old, I grew up and looked twelve years old.I'm mature this week.

Their waiter came back with drinks and food.When they were eating, Page felt a chill.She didn't even feel Wes coming in with Sierra.They sat near the bar.She breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that no one of them would notice each other.
What are your plans for this summer?
I can't believe it will start in the next week.
I will be by your side.
My aunt invited me to her cabin in Canada.It would be nice to see my cousins again.Your arrival is very welcome.
âx80x9cI canâx80x99t.Coaching and training with dad;It will be a long summer.
He sighed and put his arm around her.
We will find a way.
They parted ways an hour later.He carried her home and she hugged him tightly.
No goodbye yet.I will come before I leave.

I only got one call.I can't flash in a few hours.
She leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips.When the kiss became more enthusiastic, he drew her closer.Her arm was wrapped around his neck, both leaning back, and he waved.When she walked in, she felt a sting in her lips.Her father sat on the sofa watching TV.Sasha sat next to him.
Hey, how's the movie going?
âx80x9cIt was cute.We met Julie and her new girlfriend.We had dinner on Friday.
It sounds interesting.Is she nice?
âx80x9cYeah.She was also a werewolf and went to Westwood.Come to my high school for the cooking program.
âx80x9cCool.I hope you had a good time last night before finishing your studies next week.We will continue our training tomorrow.
âx80x9cI know.
She looked at her cell phone and found it was midnight.

Walking into her room, there were two big boxes on her bed.Take a pair of scissors from her desk and cut the seal in the middle.She took out new clothes wrapped in plastic from inside.She had the scissors cut everything off and she found a black plaid shorts and t-shirt.After changing, everything was neatly hung in her closet.She removed the box and folded it up by her door.
Sasha fell on the bed and curled up at her feet.She fell asleep with the lights off.The next morning, when she woke up, Sasha was licking her face, picking up her cell phone, and her eyes caught a large object on the table.
She climbed up from the bed and looked down.It's a big leather bound book.She opened it with her own abilities.The pages used to be white, but they are now light yellow with some burn marks.Look through the spells, potion recipes and all the different types of supernatural creatures she sees.
This is the book of my shadow.
She looked up and the book closed and he stood at her door.He picked it up and motioned her to follow him.She walked into the backyard with Sasha.Ryan put the chairs and tables in the yard and the books on the table.
They sat down.
Now I know you have a good idea of what kind of supernatural creatures are out there.In this book, there are spells and potions that can conquer them.Most potions can be made from herbs or plants that can be found in the pantry or even in the woods.I will tell you how to mix everything.
I thought the herbs were for cooking.
Ryan smiled and they would be powerful if used properly.
He broke his finger and four candles appeared next to the book.She noticed a blue, red, green and purple color.
These candles represent four elements;Earth, air, fire and water.Some witches or wizards can be given the ability to control one or all elements.At other times they can be given the ability to heal others and look forward to the future;These are just examples. the possibilities are endless.You seem to have been given an affinity for the Earth.
He continued to show her that by noon he let her relax and change her clothes.She walked out of the room in jeans, shorts and a dark green T-shirt.shirt.When the doorbell rang, Sasha began to bark.

The door opened and she saw Wes take a step back.Her flip-flops flew into her hand and she walked outside.
Hey, what's up?
Hey, Amber gave me your address.I hope everything goes well.
Yes, it's cool.What are you doing here?
Well, I guess since this is the last weekend of your freedom;Do you want to go to another world? Let me show you.
I like this.
Ryan walked up to the door and looked at Wes.Page turned his eyes and sighed with exaggeration.
This is Wes, Dad.This is my dad Ryan.
They shook hands.
Nice to meet you Sir.
âx80x9cSame Wes.Where are you two going?
Wes offered to take me to another world.Show me the store.
âx80x9cBe careful.And have fun.
âx80x9cThanks Dad.

They began to walk along the driveway.In the end, he turned out a very light wooden door leading to the market square of another world.Page walked over and he followed.Old Victorian buildings have been restored here, including clothing stores, bakeries, etc.
When people walk by, there are pebbles on the sidewalk, and she feels-Animals, fairies and some demons.
This is beautiful.
Soon after the goddess was defeated, people were rebuilt.
They started walking. Thankfully, it was warm outside.Some shiny things caught her attention and she saw them outside a jewelry store.She walked in and teal-colored walls sparkled in the sun pouring in from the big windows.The lights on it were slightly darker, while the white tiles were everywhere in the shop.
An older woman came out of the back.When she was wearing a long white sundress, her gray hair was woven on her back.When she walked to the counter, a pair of brown eyes met Piper.
Can I help you, dear?
âx80x9cYes.How much is that crystal necklace in your window?
The woman broke her finger and caught the eye of the necklace.There is a medium size green crystal on the black leather chain.
This is $20.
I want to buy it.Wear it out if possible?
Of course, dear.
Page felt she was a witch and she had owned the store for years.It was passed on to her before her parents died.She paid for it and put on the necklace.
I think you have an affinity for the Earth.
When the woman came out from behind the counter and took the crystal to her hand, page nodded.It briefly went green and then returned to normal.
Welcome to your new power.
âx80x9cThank you.
She left with Wes.They continued walking down the street.
Looks pretty on you.
They stood in front of the fountain, standing in the middle of a statue of Aphrodite.She did not remember what had happened that night and was cold.From what her parents told her, the goddess cast a spell on her.In retaliation for Ash, she used her to deal with her family and friends.
Are you okay?
She came back to reality and turned to face him.As she walked to the bench and sat down, tears flowed down her cheeks.He sat down next to her and handed her a paper towel.She took it and blew dried her eyes with blew's nose.

âx80x9cIâx80x99m fine.It only takes a few minutes.
What happened?
Aphrodite kidnapped me and used my strength to deal with my family and friends.I have no memory of it, but my parents told me what happened.She kidnapped his new girlfriend Trina in retaliation for my uncle Ash.
Maybe it's not the best idea to come here.
It's really beautiful here.Just seeing her will make bad memories.
He stood up and reached out.She looked up to get it.People sunbathe, swim and play volleyball on the beach.The clear blue water rushed to the shore, leaving a path of foam.
This is beautiful.
They walked towards the water, and she slid down from her slippers, letting the waves pass through her feet.
Is the other world similar to the real world?
In town, but I want to say it's like an island.It never snows here, and it is always warm.âx80x9d He paused;So this will be an adjustment for winter and fall.
âx80x9cWow.Have you ever seen snow?

She giggled and it would be different.I hope you bring warm clothes.
They walked up to some rocks that stood out into the sea.She sat down in a seat, and he sat down next to her.
What is high school like?
Good, good;There is a mix of humans and supernatural beings here;Both teachers and students.There are rules in any test or quiz that don't use your power to fight or cheat.You can only protect yourself if someone attacks you.
âx80x9cOh;Wow, everyone here is so open to their abilities.But I can understand that not all people accept the comparison of others.
This is true.What I don't understand is why they are afraid of us?I mean, we're not going to take over the world with our power.
I think it's something they're afraid.Wizards and witches can manipulate the election of vampires.Animal demons could kill someone.
Wow, you really figured it out.
Both laughed and she took out her cell phone from her pocket.It's almost lunch time.
Are you hungry?
Any suggestions on where to go?

They flashed on the boardwalk and stopped outside a pizza shop.She grabbed a table outside the restaurant and he went in.Her phone rang and it was Jack.
âx80x9cHey you.
Hey, beautiful.What are you doing?
In another world with Wes.He showed me around and now we are eating something.
Great. cool.You're coming to the game tonight, right?
I have not forgotten this.I will tell Wes about it.Maybe he will come.
She heard a strong sigh from him.

âx80x9cAlright;After the game, Tom invited us to his house for a swim.I'll see you later.
Thank you. I'll see you later.
Wes hung up when she came out with two bottles of water.
They put the pie in the oven in a few minutes.
âx80x9cCool.Jack called and I don't know if you are doing anything tonight but there is a football match.Julie and her girlfriend Zoey are very welcome to join me.
âx80x9cOk.When should I be at your house?
âx80x9cFive;Julie will pick us up.
A few minutes later, a chef took out their pizza.After eating, he took her home and she went in.Ryan sat at the table with his laptop.
âx80x9cHey honey.Have you had a good time?
Yes, it's cool.Like Hawaii;Always warm, no snow and beautiful beach.
âx80x9cIâx80x99m glad.Beautiful over there.
Anyway, she smiled and I'm going to relax and get ready for the football match tonight.
Is Julie driving?
She walked into her room, but nodded her head.The door behind her closed and she fell to bed to pick up the book.At the age of five, she was waiting for Julie at the end of the driveway.Wes showed up with her.
Arrive on time.
Julie drove her silver Honda SUV with the door unlocked and they slipped in from the black leather seat.
Hey page and Julie, this is my girlfriend Zoe.
âx80x9cHey girls.This is Wes;He is new to the town and lives in the sanctuary.
Hello, ladies.
Nice to meet you.
âx80x9cYou too.I will start my senior year in high school.
They drove up the main road and walked towards the school.There are four school buses parked on the grass in the parking lot.The opponent football team and the marching team are warming up.
There was a white ticket booth where Page recognized her English teacher.Daniels who sells ticketsShe is shoulder-to-shoulder, with black hair and brown eyes.It's funny to see her in a blue-ish High School T-shirt.Shirts and jeans
âx80x9cHey Ms.Daniels.
âx80x9cHello Paige.How do you feel?âx80x9d Ms.
I did better.Will you give us four tickets, please?

Do you pay together or separately?âx80x9d Ms.
I know Julie and Zoe paid for it together.
I will pay for our Paige.
When Wes handed her, she was reaching out for her wallet.Ten dollars for Daniels.They got the tickets and walked to the bleachers.
Is there any preference for where to sit?
In the center.You can see the whole area well.
They walked up and sat in the center.Soon both teams came out and the crowd cheered.The captain of both teams went to the center of the stadium and Eastwood won a coin toss.
Julie is close to the ears of pajie.
Jack Eisen is not jealous, is he?
He was a little uncomfortable.I told him there was nothing to worry about. it was better for Wes.He's new to town.
As long as he knows.But I swear he's stubborn sometimes.
She nodded with a smile and agreed.Her eyes saw him as he walked onto the court, and they all cheered.They also saw the cheerleaders waving their Golden Ball and cheering.When it was time for the break, the military band started the game, and Page and Julie went to the snack bar to buy snacks.
âx80x9cSo Wes;What is his story?
Coffee from another world;Come here to finish high school and live in a shelter.I saw him yesterday. Amber received a text message from Max;She had a new boarder and asked her to take him on a tour of town.When we walk into the kitchen, you can imagine the look on the faces of the two of us.
âx80x9cYeah;I believe Jack is happy to have another person living in the house.
As I said before, he has nothing to worry about.
Very good.
They have popcorn, soda and some bars.Kelly and Monica walked to the bleachers, blocking the steps of the bleachers.
See who decides to show up again.
Surprised that you didn't bring me out of here with torches and pitchforks.
Please, page;Just because you're dating Jack, you won't be one of us.
You're just a lucky monster.
Maybe I'm really lucky;At least I don't need my ability to let other people hang out with me.

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