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long running pants How to Grow and Prune a Pitahaya

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2019-08-23
long running pants How to Grow and Prune a Pitahaya
In the United States, pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus) usually refers to the fruit of cactus native to Central and South America, which is sold as pitaya.Definitions may vary.In Mexico, pitahaya refers to any edible cactus fruit extracted from various cactus varieties.All cactus fruits are pitaya in Central and South America.Pitahayas from H.Undatus is a new international fruit crop grown in Indonesia, Australia, Israel, Mexico, Central America and the United States.You can choose from many pitahaya varieties and hybrid varieties.The delicious meat is white to crimson, while the crust is yellow to red.Plants are easy to breed from cuttings or seeds, tenacious in the United StatesS.Plant Resistance zones 10 and 11 of the Ministry of Agriculture.You can also plant them in greenhouses or container plants.Cut pitaya fruit with a sharp kitchen knife.Dig out the fleshy flesh containing round black seeds.Put the flesh into a bowl of water.Mash the pulp on the side of the bowl with a spoon.Break the flesh so that the seeds will loosen and sink to the bottom of the bowl.Remove as much flesh as possible from the bowl and discard it.Pour the remaining water and seeds in the bowl into the mesh filter.Place the filter under cold tap water so the seeds are washed clean.Put clean seeds on several layers of clean paper towels.Let them dry in the proper place.When dry, remove from the paper towel and place it in a clean small envelope.Wash the nursery with soap and water.Add controlled-Release fertilizer to soilFollowing the manufacturer's instructions, fewer cactus potted mixtures.Fill the plane within 1/2 from the top with the filling mixture.Consolidate the apartment to solve the mixed problem.Add more mixture to get it back within 1/2 of the top edge of the apartment.Sprinkle pitahaya seeds on the surface of the mixture so that the seeds do not come into contact with each other if possible.Cover the seeds with a potted mixture of about 1/4.Put another clean nursery apartment on the apartment at the top of the soilStir less, press gently and press the seeds in place.Gently water the apartment with a soft spray on a watering pot or hose, with a spray or burning rose accessory.Water until the water flows out of the drainage hole of the apartment.Place the apartment in a place with bright light but no direct sunlight.Cover the apartment with a piece of clear plastic or a clean acrylic plastic panel.Pay attention to seed germination.Adjust the plastic or glass when the cactus stem begins to form on two fleshy triangular seed leaves so that it covers only twoThe apartment is in its thirties.In another week, only half of the apartment will be built.In a week, remove the lid completely.Keep the potted mixture moist but not damp.Observe fungal diseases and treat them with fungicides if needed.Grow the seedlings to 2 to 3 inch tall.Put a layer of concealer on your finger to bring the separated seedlings so that the thorns do not enter your skin.Put each seedling in 2-Square pot.Do not water for a few days after the transplant to allow any broken roots to heal.When the seedlings grow to larger pots in a row, the seedlings are transplanted.Let the soil dry half in the pan between the water.When they are big enough to fit in a 5 gallon jar, put the jar on the ground if you live in Frostfree area.Pay attention to the first flower, wait patiently-It may take six years to blossom.Cut off a 12-to 24-When the cactus grows positively, cut the tip of the inch from the mature pitahaya plant.Cut with a sharp knife or trim.Put the cut in the shade for one to two weeks--According to relative humidity--Until the cutting end forms a hard cocoon.Put soil-Mix fewer cactus potted plants into a 1 gallon container.Cut the calluses, cut the edges, and place them in a potted mixture far enough to prevent them from dumping.Firm the mixture around the cutting.Don't water it.Place the cut where the light is bright or there are spots.Don't put it in direct sunlight.By gently pulling the cut, check once in a while.When it resists movement, remove some potted mixture and check the formation of the root.Water the cut if the root has been formed.When the roots come out of the drain hole of the flowerpot, transplant the cut to a larger container or growth area.No matter where it grows permanently, establish a grid or wire support system.As the lateral branches grow, train them to the support system or grid.Tie them up with a plant tie.When the plant is actively growing, check the pitahaya plant every few months.Look for crowded areas to grow.Long gardening gloves onLong-sleeved shirts and trousers.Pruning cactus branches that touch each other, grow each other, or touch the ground.Leave clear areas around the remaining branches so evening is OKThe blooming flowers have expanded space so that the fruit is easily picked.Add a plant tie as needed.Put the trimmed branches into the cart.Let them take root to make new plants and give them away or discard them.
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