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all white zip up hoodie Down-to-earth beauty / Model Lauren Hutton promotes makeup line for women over 35

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2019-08-18
all white zip up hoodie Down-to-earth beauty / Model Lauren Hutton promotes makeup line for women over 35
Lauren Heaton tore off the crispy portion of bacon from the fat portion, and when she finished her portion, she had some companion's before eating the eggs and potatoes.Then, in the back seat of the limousine, she took out a tobacco bag and rolled herself a cigarette."Earth" is a word that comes to mind at the moment of describing one of the world's most famous models.Of course, the other one is beautiful.Now, almost fully recovered from a motorcycle accident two years ago, Heaton is touring the country to promote her new makeup series for women over the age of 35, good things.So what if there are already too many makeup options on the shelf?-Heaton knew from her words that she had tried every eye shadow she had available.In her 60 s, she said, there were very few makeup artists, if any, "so I got tips from all the other models ---All these German girls.There are 400 people in Brigittas and Astrids, and I have learned a lot from them."But later, didn't she learn anything from the makeup artists of major magazines?"F--"They," said Heaton."I know more about makeup than any of them.I have been doing this for 40 years."So her route is this: The recipe is pure, there is no amount of pigment, there is no cloud mother piece, Pearl or flash ---All these in 25-year-She said that her face is old, but she may grow old in the future.Heton's "face plate", a wholein-One compact for four skins-Color palette with coverLip balm, concealer, dry lip balm and neutral shade, lip and cheek color.Compact works like paint-by-number kit;Every small basin of shadow or shade conce cream is coloredCode with the correct apply brush."Makeup is about shadows and light, and we have to put makeup in new places as we get older," says Hutton .".Do not take so much masking cream under the thin eyes of the skin, but on the inside and outside.Avoid the use of shiny moisturizers.(She made a matte one, but she admitted that Olay was also very good.) Hutton's product comes with a guide video and brochure to guide you until you have mastered her approach, which involves a lot of finishing touches and filming.No basis;She doesn't like the lip line, only the least eyeliner, only a little shade, mascara and neutral lips, and she advises women to keep their eyebrows as light as possible.Yes, you can look like Lauren Heaton, too.In addition, the overall effect may not be for women who like to make homemadeup look.The large compact car costs $50;a seven-A set of $45;A starter set of silhouette shadows, conceals and blush is $25;and a lip-The treatment duo is $20, available at www.laurenhutton.Com, or (888) 752-8736, and in the home shopping network.The World Wildlife Fund has made a percentage of profits.The down-to-Earth look Hutton has improved her personality perfectly.She is 59 years old. she is a dynamic person.Nonsense Beauty with rich, deep and delicate features.Famous gap-toothed smile;Aquamarine eyesolive skin;Soft curly hair;And surprisingly strong hands.She is much shorter than you think, wearing only 5 feet of chartraeus sneakers.She is casual in a gray cashmere zipperHoodie and wideWarm leg charcoalup pants --Earlier that morning, she wore the same dress in a television interview.Smart and active, Heaton maintains her wisdom during her turbulent period of traveling around the world at the age of 60 and 70.She says the trouble with modeling today has always been the trouble with modeling."They started when they were too young.They are kittens!They don't know how to think for themselves at the age of 14 or 15, "Heaton said.If she rules the world, there will be a model alliance with a minimum age of 21.Heton was only 21 years old at the beginning, more aware of his strength than most people.As a fearless adventurer, she pushes herself to the limit, whether on a field beyond her retirement age or on a motorcycle without a sun visor ---"I will never ride without sunshades anymore, and I can't ride without the wind, so I think my motorcycle era is over," she said .".For the past two years, she has been hoping she is lame.Much earlier than her doctor expected.She has almost stopped the treatment of painkillers now.If the motorcycle is still there, there is still a sled, scuba diving, hiking or camping in Africa, all of which is a constant passion."Over the years I 've been a model, I 've been traveling as much as I can on vacation," she said ."."I 've been to 31 countries in Africa, every time like the first time, seeing the continuous cycle of life and death, and in this place the only person you see is a man with a spear.
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