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why tennis players in females wear skirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-28

Why Tennis Players in Females Wear Skirts


Tennis is a popular sport that is widely recognized for its unique dress code. One specific aspect of this dress code is the notable preference for female players to wear skirts during matches. This article aims to explore the reasons behind this tradition and shed light on the significance of skirts within the realm of women's tennis.

1. Historical Origins of Tennis Attire:

To understand the prevalence of skirts in women's tennis, it is essential to delve into the sport's historical roots. Tennis originated in England during the late 19th century and quickly gained popularity across the country's elite. During this period, societal norms dictated that women should wear modest and conservative outfits, primarily consisting of dresses and skirts. As tennis emerged as a sport of the upper class, these fashion expectations were naturally extended to female players.

2. Tradition and Symbolism:

The tradition of female tennis players wearing skirts has continued to endure over time due to its symbolism and association with elegance and grace. Tennis, as a sport, relies heavily on agility and swift movements. Skirts allow female players to maintain a sense of femininity while providing the freedom of movement necessary for optimal play on the court. This combination of functionality and traditional symbolism has solidified skirts as an integral part of women's tennis attire.

3. Practical Considerations:

Beyond tradition and symbolism, there are practical reasons why female tennis players continue to opt for skirts. The predominantly physical nature of the game requires players to be constantly on the move, twisting and turning vigorously. Skirts, especially those crafted from lightweight and stretchable materials, facilitate unrestricted movement, allowing players to perform at their best. Additionally, the flared design of skirts ensures breathability, preventing discomfort caused by excessive sweating during intense matches.

4. Visual Appeal and Sponsorship:

Tennis, as a highly televised sport, places great emphasis on aesthetics. Skirts not only align with the traditional and symbolic aspects of the sport but also add visual appeal to matches. The graceful flow of skirts during fast-paced rallies contributes to the overall aesthetic experience for spectators, both in-person and watching from home. Moreover, female tennis players are often sponsored by sportswear brands that choose to design fashionable and eye-catching skirts for their athletes. These arrangements benefit both parties, with players receiving lucrative endorsements and sportswear brands gaining exposure through televised matches.

5. Equality and Gender Neutrality:

Addressing the question of why tennis players in females wear skirts also prompts a discussion on equality and gender neutrality within the sport. Over the years, there have been ongoing debates about the dress code disparity between male and female athletes. While male players are allowed to wear shorts, female players are predominantly associated with skirts. Critics argue that this perpetuates gender stereotypes and restricts freedom of expression for women in the sport. However, it is important to note that recent developments have seen more flexibility in women's tennis attire, with some tournaments allowing female athletes to choose between skirts and shorts.


The preference for female tennis players to wear skirts is deeply rooted in tradition, symbolism, practicality, and visual appeal. While the historical origins of this practice lie in societal expectations regarding women's attire, tennis skirts have become a crucial element in modern-day women's tennis. Skirts provide both functionality and grace, enabling players to move freely while embodying the elegance traditionally associated with the sport. However, ongoing discussions about equality and gender neutrality have prompted some changes in dress code regulations, allowing female players to have more autonomy in their choice of attire. As tennis evolves, it is essential to strike a balance between tradition and inclusivity, enabling players to express themselves freely while respecting the sport's rich history.

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