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why do women wear short skirts in tennis and golf

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-28

Why Do Women Wear Short Skirts in Tennis and Golf


The world of sports, particularly tennis and golf, has witnessed women athletes donning short skirts for decades. While some may question the choice of attire, it is crucial to understand the various factors that contribute to this phenomenon. In this article, we delve into the reasons why women wear short skirts in tennis and golf. From practicality and performance-enhancement to tradition and societal expectations, we explore the multi-faceted aspects of this clothing choice. So, let's uncover the motivations behind this iconic sportswear.

1. Enhancing Movement and Agility

One of the primary reasons women opt for short skirts in tennis and golf is to enhance their movement and agility on the field. Skirts allow athletes to move freely and without any hindrance, providing flexibility and ease during intense gameplay. Unlike longer dresses or pants, skirts enable athletes to perform swift movements like lunges, jumps, and pivots, essential to excel in these sports.

2. Aesthetic Appeal and Tradition

Tradition plays a significant role in sports, and tennis and golf are no exceptions. Short skirts have been a fundamental element of these sports for decades. They not only symbolize the history and values of the game but also add an aesthetic appeal to the overall presentation. Many players embrace the traditional aspect and feel a sense of honor to wear skirts as a tribute to their predecessors and the sport's legacy.

3. Marketing and Sponsorship

In today's highly commercialized sports industry, athletes often choose their attire based on marketing and sponsorship considerations. The clothing worn by players often features brand logos, promoting clothing and equipment manufacturers. These brands tend to design skirts that align with the current trends and preferences of the target audience. Consequently, the demand for short skirts in tennis and golf is fueled by the financial aspect of the sport.

4. Gender Stereotypes and Societal Expectations

While societal expectations and gender stereotypes should not dictate personal choices, they do play a role in clothing decisions, including sportswear. Women athletes, especially in individual sports like tennis and golf, often face scrutiny regarding their appearance. This leads to a pressure where players feel the need to conform to certain standards of femininity and attractiveness in order to gain recognition and acceptance. Short skirts may be seen as a reflection of femininity and help women conform to societal norms.

5. Comfort and Breathability

Practicality is another key aspect that makes short skirts an attractive choice for women in tennis and golf. The lightweight nature of skirts ensures optimal comfort during prolonged periods of physical exertion. Additionally, skirts provide better breathability compared to full-length trousers or leggings, preventing excessive sweating and allowing the body to cool down more efficiently. This comfort factor contributes to better performance and focus on the game.


In conclusion, the decision of women athletes to wear short skirts in tennis and golf can be attributed to various reasons. The desire for increased movement and agility, the importance of tradition and aesthetics, marketing and sponsorship considerations, societal expectations, and the element of practicality all contribute to the prevalence of short skirts in these sports. It is crucial to recognize and respect athletes' choices and not undermine their talent and skill based on attire alone. Ultimately, what matters most is the players' dedication, determination, and performance on the court or green, irrespective of the length of their skirts.

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