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where to put balls tennis skirt

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-29



Tennis is a popular sport that requires a specific attire to enhance performance and flexibility during gameplay. One essential piece of clothing that tennis players love to wear is the tennis skirt. Not only does it provide comfort and freedom of movement, but it also adds a touch of style to the player's appearance on the court. However, figuring out where to put balls when wearing a tennis skirt can be a bit challenging. In this article, we will explore different options and solutions to ensure that tennis players can comfortably carry and access their tennis balls while wearing a skirt.

1. Pockets - The Convenient Storage Solution:

One of the most preferred options for storing tennis balls when wearing a tennis skirt is utilizing built-in pockets. Many tennis skirts come with one or two pockets strategically placed on the sides. These pockets are designed specifically to accommodate tennis balls, allowing players to easily access them during gameplay. Having pockets on the skirt ensures that the balls are readily available without hindering the player's mobility or affecting the overall aesthetic of the outfit.

2. Waistband - A Clever Alternative:

In cases where tennis skirts do not offer built-in pockets, another practical solution is to utilize the waistband. Some tennis skirts feature an elastic waistband, providing ample space to tuck tennis balls securely. By placing the balls inside the waistband, players can keep them close to their body, ensuring easy access without impeding their movements on the court. This alternative method is particularly effective for individuals who prefer a streamlined silhouette or have skirts without pockets.

3. Tennis Ball Holder Accessories:

For those who prefer a dedicated solution to carry tennis balls, various accessories are available in the market. Tennis ball holders offer a convenient and stylish way to keep balls within reach while wearing a tennis skirt. These holders are usually designed as a small pouch or belt with individual compartments to securely hold the balls. Players can wear the holder around their waist, ensuring easy accessibility and eliminating any concerns about losing the balls during the game.

4. Tennis Bag - The Comprehensive Storage Option:

If a tennis player often carries multiple tennis balls or prefers to have additional accessories readily available during gameplay, a tennis bag is the perfect solution. While not directly affiliated with the tennis skirt itself, a tennis bag offers an inclusive storage option, allowing players to conveniently carry not only their balls but also other tennis essentials like racquets, water bottles, towels, and more. Most tennis bags come with separate compartments specifically designed to accommodate tennis balls, ensuring that they are kept separate from other items.

5. In-Between Points:

During intense matches, tennis players often find themselves in situations where they do not require immediate access to the balls. In such cases, it is possible to temporarily place the balls underneath the skirt by tucking them against the leg. This method can be useful during short breaks or when switching ends of the court. However, it is important to ensure that the balls are secured tightly to avoid any discomfort or accidental releases.


Finding the ideal solution for storing tennis balls while wearing a tennis skirt is crucial for players to maintain focus and perform at their best on the court. Whether utilizing built-in pockets, utilizing the waistband, opting for tennis ball holder accessories, or carrying a comprehensive tennis bag, players should choose a method that offers both convenience and functionality. By addressing the challenge of where to put balls in a tennis skirt, players can fully concentrate on their game, knowing that their equipment is easily accessible.

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