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what to wear under white tennis skirt

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-30

What to Wear Under a White Tennis Skirt


When it comes to playing tennis, the right outfit can make all the difference. A white tennis skirt is a classic and versatile garment that can elevate your game and boost your confidence on the court. However, choosing the right undergarments to wear with a white tennis skirt can be a challenging task to tackle. In this article, we will guide you through the best options for what to wear underneath your white tennis skirt, ensuring both comfort and functionality.

1. Choose Compression Shorts for Optimal Support:

One of the most important considerations when selecting undergarments for a white tennis skirt is support. Compression shorts are an excellent choice as they provide a snug fit, offering support to your muscles during intense movements. These shorts are designed to reduce muscle fatigue and aid in better blood circulation, enhancing your overall performance on the court. Look for compression shorts made from moisture-wicking fabric to keep you cool and dry during long matches.

2. Opt for Seamless Underwear to Avoid VPL:

Visible Panty Lines (VPL) can be a fashion faux pas that can detract from your overall appearance. To avoid this, opt for seamless underwear that will provide a smooth and flattering look underneath your white tennis skirt. Seamless underwear is made without any visible seams, ensuring that your undergarments are undetectable. Look for seamless options made from breathable fabrics like nylon or microfiber for added comfort and moisture-wicking properties.

3. Consider Thong Underwear for Discreet Coverage:

If you prefer minimal coverage and want to avoid any visible panty lines altogether, thong underwear may be the answer. Thongs are designed with a narrow strip of fabric that runs between the buttocks, eliminating any visible lines under your white tennis skirt. They offer a discreet and comfortable option, allowing you to focus solely on your game without any distractions. Choose thongs made from soft, stretchy materials to ensure maximum comfort during movement.

4. Sports Briefs for Added Coverage and Comfort:

For those who prefer more coverage than a thong but less constriction than compression shorts, sports briefs are an ideal choice. These undergarments are designed with a low-rise waistband that sits comfortably on the hips. Sports briefs provide enough coverage to prevent accidental exposure while maintaining freedom of movement on the tennis court. Look for options made from breathable fabrics with moisture-wicking capabilities to keep you cool and dry during intense rallies.

5. Layer with a Tennis Skort for Added Style and Functionality:

While choosing the right undergarments is crucial, layering your white tennis skirt with a tennis skort can elevate your outfit and provide additional functionality. A tennis skort combines the look of a skirt with the comfort and practicality of shorts. By wearing a skort underneath your tennis skirt, you can move freely without worrying about accidental exposure. Additionally, skorts often feature built-in compression shorts or briefs that provide extra support and coverage, making them a convenient choice for avid tennis players.


Finding the right undergarments to wear under a white tennis skirt is essential for both comfort and confidence on the court. Whether you prefer compression shorts, seamless underwear, thongs, sports briefs, or a combination of these options, ensure that your choice offers the necessary support, coverage, and comfort. Additionally, consider layering with a tennis skort for added style and functionality. By selecting the right undergarments, you can focus on your game and feel confident while playing, giving you the edge to dominate the tennis court.

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