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what to wear for tennis men

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-09-12

Tennis Attire for Men: A Comprehensive Guide


Tennis is a sport that requires agility, speed, and precision. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced player, choosing the right attire can significantly impact your performance on the court. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on what to wear for tennis men. From clothing to accessories, we will explore the essential elements of a perfect tennis outfit.

1. Understanding Tennis Apparel

Tennis apparel is specifically designed to enhance your performance and provide comfort during your matches. It is crucial to choose clothing that allows for easy movement while keeping you cool and dry. Here are the key factors to consider when selecting tennis apparel:

1.1 Breathability and Moisture-Wicking Fabrics

Selecting fabrics that are breathable and moisture-wicking is essential for tennis players. These fabrics help to keep you cool by allowing air circulation and effectively wick away sweat from your body. Some popular choices include polyester, nylon, and spandex blends.

1.2 Fit and Comfort

The fit of your tennis clothing plays a crucial role in your overall comfort and performance. Opt for attire that fits well but allows for ease of movement. Tennis requires plenty of dynamic movements, such as running, lunging, and stretching. A loose-fitting outfit can hinder your movements, while tight clothing may restrict your range of motion.

2. The Essential Tennis Wardrobe

Now that we have a better understanding of tennis apparel, let's dive into the essential items that every tennis player should have in their wardrobe.

2.1 Tennis Shirts

Tennis shirts are typically made of lightweight, breathable materials. Look for shirts with mesh panels or vents to enhance air circulation. Short-sleeved shirts are the most common choice, but some players also opt for sleeveless shirts. Avoid wearing cotton shirts as they tend to absorb sweat and can become heavy and uncomfortable during intense matches.

2.2 Tennis Shorts

Tennis shorts should be comfortable, lightweight, and allow for easy movement. They should not be too long to avoid hindering your mobility on the court. Opt for moisture-wicking materials that dry quickly. Some tennis shorts also come with built-in compression shorts for added support and comfort.

2.3 Tennis Shoes

Investing in a good pair of tennis shoes is crucial for your performance and injury prevention. Tennis requires quick lateral movements, so look for shoes with excellent stability and support. The outsole should provide good traction on various court surfaces. Additionally, ensure that the shoes fit properly to avoid discomfort and blisters.

2.4 Socks

Don't overlook the importance of tennis socks. They provide cushioning and support to your feet, reducing the risk of blisters and injuries. Choose socks made of synthetic materials that wick away moisture. Ankle-length or crew-cut socks are the most popular choices for tennis players.

2.5 Headwear and Accessories

Protecting yourself from the sun is vital during long matches. Wearing a hat or visor can shield your face and eyes from direct sunlight. Additionally, wearing wristbands can help absorb sweat and keep your hands dry for a better grip on the racket. Consider investing in a wristband and a headband to enhance your comfort on the court.

3. The Right Tennis Outfit for Different Conditions

Tennis is played in various weather conditions, and your outfit should adapt accordingly. Below are some tips for dressing appropriately based on the weather:

3.1 Hot and Sunny Weather

When playing in hot and sunny weather, prioritize lightweight and breathable clothing. Opt for light-colored shirts to reflect the sun's rays and keep you cooler. Consider wearing shorts with built-in UV protection to shield your legs from harmful UV rays. Don't forget to apply sunscreen on exposed skin and wear a hat and sunglasses for added protection.

3.2 Cold Weather

When playing in cold weather, layering is key. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep you dry, then add a long-sleeved shirt or a lightweight jacket for warmth. Choose pants or track pants that provide insulation but still allow for easy movement. Don't forget a beanie or headband to keep your ears warm and gloves to protect your hands.

3.3 Rainy Weather

When playing in rainy conditions, invest in a waterproof jacket or a raincoat to keep you dry. Look for pants made of water-resistant materials to prevent discomfort. Additionally, consider wearing a cap with a brim to shield your face from raindrops. It is advisable to carry an extra set of clothes in case your primary outfit gets wet.


Having the right tennis attire is essential for both comfort and performance on the court. Remember to prioritize breathable, moisture-wicking materials and choose outfits that allow for ease of movement. Tailor your attire based on the weather conditions and always invest in good-quality tennis shoes. By following these guidelines, you can enhance your tennis experience while looking stylish and professional.

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