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what to wear for paddle tennis

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-09-12

What to Wear for Paddle Tennis

Paddle tennis is a popular racket sport that combines elements of tennis and squash, played on a smaller court with solid paddles and a depressurized tennis ball. Just like any other sport, choosing the right attire for paddle tennis is crucial to ensure comfort, freedom of movement, and enhanced performance on the court. In this article, we will explore what to wear for paddle tennis and provide you with some valuable tips to help you make the right clothing choices for your game.

Choosing the Right Shoes

Paddle tennis requires quick lateral movements, explosive bursts of speed, and sudden changes in direction. Therefore, it is imperative to wear appropriate footwear that provides excellent traction, stability, and support. Here are some factors to consider when selecting shoes for paddle tennis:

1. Non-Marking Outsoles: Ensure your shoes have non-marking outsoles to avoid leaving scuff marks on the court surface.

2. Cushioning: Look for shoes with sufficient cushioning to reduce the impact on your joints and provide overall comfort during intense matches.

3. Traction: Opt for shoes with a grippy outsole pattern or specialized tennis court shoes with herringbone patterns for maximum traction.

4. Ankle Support: Consider choosing shoes with ankle support, especially if you have a history of ankle injuries or require additional stability.

Choosing the Right Clothing

In paddle tennis, wearing the right clothing not only enhances performance but also ensures you stay comfortable and focused. Here's a breakdown of what to consider when selecting your paddle tennis attire:

1. Breathable Fabrics: Paddle tennis can be a physically demanding sport, and you're bound to sweat. Choose clothing made from lightweight and breathable materials like polyester or moisture-wicking fabrics to keep you cool and dry during intense matches.

2. Freedom of Movement: Opt for clothing that allows for a full range of motion. Look for shorts or skirts with stretchable material or incorporate spandex/lycra for flexibility and unrestricted movement.

3. Fit: Aim for a comfortable fit that is neither too loose nor too tight. Loose clothing can hinder your movement and may get caught in the paddle, while tight clothing might restrict your strokes and impede blood circulation.

4. UV Protection: If you're playing paddle tennis outdoors, it's essential to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Choose clothing with built-in UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) or wear long sleeves and a hat to shield yourself from excessive sun exposure.

5. Layering: Paddle tennis is played in various weather conditions, so layering is key. Wear moisture-wicking base layers to regulate your body temperature, and add a light jacket or hoodie for cooler climates.

Selecting the Right Accessories

In addition to clothing and shoes, there are a few accessories that can further enhance your paddle tennis experience. Let's take a look at some essential accessories to consider:

1. Headbands and Wristbands: Paddle tennis can be intense, causing sweat to drip into your eyes or affect your grip. Wearing headbands and wristbands can help absorb sweat and keep it away from your face and hands, ensuring a strong and secure hold on the paddle.

2. Sunglasses: If you're playing outdoors, invest in good quality sunglasses with polarized lenses to protect your eyes from the sun's glare. Look for lightweight and shatter-resistant options for optimal comfort and safety.

3. Socks: Often overlooked, choosing the right socks can make a significant difference in your gameplay comfort. Opt for moisture-wicking and cushioned socks to prevent blisters, reduce discomfort, and keep your feet dry.

4. Paddle Glove: Some players prefer wearing a paddle glove to improve their grip and protect their hands from developing blisters. If you find it challenging to maintain a firm grip on the paddle or have sensitive skin, consider investing in a high-quality paddle glove.

5. Bag or Backpack: Lastly, invest in a suitable bag or backpack to carry your paddle, balls, water bottle, and other essentials to the court. Look for a bag with compartments and comfortable straps to ensure everything is organized and easy to transport.


Choosing the appropriate attire for paddle tennis plays a vital role in ensuring comfort, mobility, and performance on the court. Remember to prioritize breathable fabrics, freedom of movement, and proper footwear with excellent traction and support. Don't forget essential accessories like headbands, sunglasses, socks, and a bag to enhance your overall playing experience. By following these guidelines and tailoring your clothing choices to your personal preferences, you'll be able to fully enjoy the exciting and fast-paced game of paddle tennis.

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