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what do you wear for tennis

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-09-13

Tennis Attire: What to Wear on the Court


When stepping onto the tennis court, the right attire can make a significant difference in your performance and comfort level. Proper tennis attire not only enhances your mobility but also ensures you stay cool and dry during intense matches. From the right shoes to appropriate clothing choices, this article will guide you through what to wear for tennis. So, let's dive in and explore the essentials of tennis attire!

1. Choosing the Perfect Tennis Shoes

Tennis is a high-impact sport that requires quick lateral movements and sudden changes in direction. Therefore, selecting the right tennis shoes is crucial to avoid injuries and maintain stability on the court.

When shopping for tennis shoes, consider the following factors:

a. Cushioning: Look for shoes with adequate cushioning to absorb the impact of your movements and provide comfort throughout a match.

b. Support: Opt for shoes that offer excellent arch support to prevent any undue stress on your feet during play.

c. Grip: The soles of your tennis shoes should provide a durable and grippy surface for efficient traction on various court surfaces.

2. Comfortable Tennis Apparel

a. Tennis Shirts: Choose lightweight and breathable shirts made from moisture-wicking fabrics such as polyester or nylon. These materials help to absorb sweat and keep you comfortably cool. Avoid cotton shirts as they tend to become heavy and clingy when wet.

b. Tennis Shorts/Skirts: Opt for shorts or skirts made from flexible and moisture-wicking materials that allow optimal movement on the court. The length of your shorts or skirts should comply with the rules of your tennis club or organization.

c. Compression Gear: Wearing compression shorts or leggings under your tennis shorts or skirts can enhance blood circulation, reduce muscle fatigue, and enhance recovery.

3. Sun Protection: Hats and Sunglasses

Playing tennis often involves prolonged exposure to the sun, so it is important to protect yourself from harmful UV rays. Here are some accessories to consider:

a. Tennis Hat: A wide-brimmed hat or a cap with a visor can shield your face and eyes from direct sunlight, reducing the risk of sunburn and heatstroke.

b. Sunglasses: Invest in a pair of sunglasses with UV protection to shield your eyes from glare and long-term sun damage. Choose glasses that are shatterproof and stay securely on your face during active play.

4. Socks: The Unsung Heroes

Often overlooked, the right pair of socks can make a noticeable difference in your on-court comfort and foot health. Follow these guidelines when choosing tennis socks:

a. Cushioning: Pick socks with extra cushioning on the heel and ball of the foot to alleviate pressure and reduce the risk of blisters.

b. Moisture-wicking: Look for socks made from synthetic materials like polyester or nylon that effectively wick away sweat, keeping your feet dry and preventing odor.

c. Arch Support: Opt for socks with built-in arch support to enhance stability and reduce the risk of foot fatigue during long matches.

5. Accessorize Smartly: Wristbands and Headbands

While often considered a fashion statement, wristbands and headbands offer practical advantages on the tennis court:

a. Wristbands: Wearing wristbands can absorb sweat from your forehead and prevent it from dripping onto your hands, affecting your grip.

b. Headbands: A headband can keep your hair out of your face, preventing distractions while playing. It also helps absorb sweat, keeping it from getting into your eyes.


In the fast-paced and physically demanding sport of tennis, proper attire is paramount. Choosing the right tennis shoes that provide stability and support, wearing comfortable and moisture-wicking clothing, protecting yourself from the sun with hats and sunglasses, and paying attention to often-overlooked items like socks, wristbands, and headbands can significantly enhance your performance on the court. So next time you step onto the tennis court, make sure you are dressed for success and ready to take on any challenge!

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