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how to store a tennis skirt

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-31

How to Store a Tennis Skirt: Tips and Tricks for Long-lasting Durability


As a tennis enthusiast, you know that investing in a quality tennis skirt is essential for a comfortable and stylish game on the court. But to ensure your tennis skirt remains in top-notch condition and retains its vibrant colors, proper storage is vital. In this article, we will guide you through the best practices for storing your tennis skirt, providing you with tips and tricks to maximize its longevity and functionality. So, let's delve into the world of tennis skirt storage and unveil the secrets to keep your favorite garment looking its best!

Preparing Your Tennis Skirt for Storage

Before storing your tennis skirt, it's important to take a few preparatory steps to ensure it remains fresh and ready for use whenever you hit the court. These steps include:

1. Washing and Drying:

Start by carefully reading the care instructions on your tennis skirt's label. Different fabrics may require specific laundry procedures. Once the washing requirements are understood, make sure to wash your skirt appropriately, preferably using a gentle cycle or hand-washing for delicate fabrics. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach, as they can damage the material. After washing, allow your tennis skirt to air dry completely before moving on to the next step.

2. Ironing and Folding:

Before storing your tennis skirt, ironing out any creases will ensure it looks neat later on. Set your iron to the appropriate heat based on the fabric type, and gently press your skirt, paying extra attention to pleats or specific design elements. Once ironed, carefully fold your skirt to prevent unnecessary wrinkles. It's advisable to fold it rather than hanging, as hanging may stretch the fabric over time, especially if your skirt has an elastic waistband.

Choosing the Perfect Storage Spot

Finding an ideal storage location for your tennis skirt is crucial in preventing damage and preserving its quality. Here are a few factors to consider when selecting a storage spot:

1. Heat and Humidity:

Try to store your tennis skirt in a cool, dry place. Excessive heat and humidity can lead to fabric discoloration, mold, or mildew growth, compromising the integrity of the garment. Avoid storing your tennis skirt in attics, basements, or near radiators, as these areas tend to be prone to temperature fluctuations.

2. Sunlight Exposure:

Sunlight can cause the colors of your tennis skirt to fade over time. To avoid this, opt for a storage spot away from direct sunlight. Consider utilizing opaque storage bins or closets to shield your skirt from harmful UV rays.

Proper Tennis Skirt Folding Techniques

To preserve your tennis skirt's shape and avoid unnecessary creasing, mastering proper folding techniques is essential. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to fold your tennis skirt effectively:

1. Smooth Preparation:

Lay your tennis skirt on a clean, flat surface, ensuring there are no wrinkles or debris present. Smooth out any wrinkles using light pressure.

2. Waistband Fold:

Starting at the waistband, gently fold your skirt in half lengthwise, aligning the waistband edges together. Be cautious not to wrinkle or crease any other parts of the skirt during this process.

3. Pleat Accordion Fold:

Next, start folding your skirt in accordion-style pleats. Begin from one side and fold about 2-3 inches of fabric over at a time. Continue until you reach the other side of the skirt. This method prevents excessive folding and creasing and maintains the integrity of the pleats.

Appropriate Storage Containers

To keep your tennis skirt safe from dust, pests, and potential damage, investing in suitable storage containers is essential. Here are a few containers widely favored for storing delicate garments like tennis skirts:

1. Plastic Storage Bins:

Clear, plastic storage bins are an excellent choice for preserving your tennis skirt's quality. They provide protection from dust and moisture while allowing you to see the contents without having to open the container.

2. Cotton Garment Bags:

Cotton garment bags are breathable and prevent excessive moisture build-up, making them an ideal choice for tennis skirt storage. Utilize these bags if you prefer hanging your skirt instead of folding it.

Additional Tips to Protect Your Tennis Skirt

In addition to proper folding and storage containers, here are a few extra tips to protect your tennis skirt:

1. Rotate Your Skirts:

If you own multiple tennis skirts, rotate the ones you wear regularly. This helps in maintaining an even level of usage and prevents excessive wear and tear on a single skirt.

2. Avoid Heavy Stacking:

While storage containers are meant to save space, avoid stacking multiple bins or heavy items on top of your tennis skirts. Excessive pressure can lead to wrinkles or even permanent creases.

3. Check Periodically:

Take a few moments every few months to inspect your stored tennis skirts. Look for signs of pest infestation, moisture, or any other potential damages. Addressing issues early will help preserve your skirts in the long run.


With these tips and tricks, storing your tennis skirt properly becomes an easy task. By following the correct folding techniques and storing your skirt in an appropriate location and container, you can ensure its longevity and retain its vibrant appearance. Investing a little extra effort into storing your tennis skirt will undoubtedly pay off when you step on the court, feeling confident and stylish in your well-preserved garment.

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