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how to make doggy sweatshirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-09-13

How to Make Doggy Sweatshirts

When the weather starts getting chilly outside, it's essential that your furry companion stays warm too. A great way to keep them cozy during those walks in the park or outdoor playtime is by making a sweatshirt specifically designed for them. Here is everything you need to know about making a sweatshirt for your dog.

Materials Needed

Before diving into the process, it's important to gather all materials required for the project. This includes:

- Fabric of your choice

- Measuring tape

- Scissors

- Sewing machine or needle and thread

- Elastic bands

- Velcro

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Measure your dog's size: Before starting the project, measure your dog's neck, chest, and back length to establish the right size for the sweatshirt. Keep in mind that you do not want it to be too tight or too loose, but a comfortable fit. Record the measurements to use for the following steps.

2. Cut fabric: Using the measurements collected earlier, cut out three pieces of fabric. One long rectangle piece for the body, two smaller ones for the arms, and another strip for the collar. Ensure the fabric choice is comfy for your pet as some dogs might be sensitive to textures.

3. Sew the arms: First, take the smaller pieces of fabric and stitch along the edges to form the arms. Make sure the armholes on the body piece are aligned with the arms. Use pins to secure the arms to the body fabric and stitch with your sewing machine or needle and thread.

4. Create a collar: Take the longer strip, fold it in half, and sew along the edges, leaving a small space open. Turn it over before attaching it to the neck of the body piece.

5. Sew the body: Pin the sides of the body fabric, making sure the arms are neatly tucked in. Stitch carefully, leaving an opening on one side for the velcro.

6. Add hook and loop: Sew the velcro strips to the open sides. This helps to fasten the sweatshirt quickly and easily.

7. Add elastic: To give the sweatshirt a comfortable and snug fit, add elastic to the arm and waist portions. With the use of the elastic bands, you can determine what works best for your canine friend.

Maintenance and Care

Now that you've made a customized sweatshirt for your dog, it's important to take care of it properly. Here are some tips on how to keep it clean and fresh:

- Wash the sweatshirt before use

- Use mild detergent

- Avoid using bleach

- Dry it under the sun to minimize damage

- Store in a clean, dry place

Final Thoughts

Making your dog a sweatshirt is not only fun, but it is also a practical option to keep them warm and comfortable during cold weather. With the right materials and following the step-by-step guide, you can create a cute, stylish, and functional sweatshirt for your furry friend. Remember to choose a fabric that is comfortable for them, add elastic for a secure fit, and store it in a clean and dry place to keep it in good shape for future use.

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