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how to make american apparel tennis skirt

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-31


American Apparel Tennis Skirt: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your Own

If you're a fan of tennis or just love the sporty-chic fashion trend, then the American Apparel Tennis Skirt is a wardrobe must-have. Known for its flattering fit and versatile style, this iconic skirt has become highly sought after. However, purchasing one can be expensive, and sometimes it's more satisfying to create your own unique piece. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making your own American Apparel Tennis Skirt. So grab your sewing kit and get ready to create a fashionable masterpiece!

I. Gathering the Materials

The first step in creating your own American Apparel Tennis Skirt is to gather all the necessary materials. Here's what you'll need:

1. Fabric - Choose a lightweight fabric with some stretch, such as cotton spandex or polyester spandex blend. Make sure to select a fabric that will provide both comfort and flexibility on the court.

2. Elastic - Opt for a wide elastic band that will ensure a secure and comfortable fit around your waist.

3. Thread - Select a matching thread color that will blend seamlessly with your fabric choice.

4. Sewing Tools - Prepare all the necessary sewing tools, including scissors, pins, measuring tape, and a sewing machine.

II. Taking Accurate Measurements

Before cutting your fabric, taking accurate measurements is crucial to ensure a well-fitted skirt. Follow these steps:

1. Waist Measurement - Wrap the measuring tape around your natural waistline, which is located above your belly button, to determine your waist measurement.

2. Hip Measurement - Measure around the widest part of your hips to determine your hip measurement.

3. Skirt Length - Decide on the desired length of your tennis skirt by measuring from your waist to your desired hemline.

III. Cutting the Fabric

Now that you have your measurements, it's time to cut the fabric. Follow these steps:

1. Waistband - Cut a rectangular piece of fabric that is double the width of your elastic band and long enough to fit around your waist comfortably.

2. Skirt Panels - Measure and cut two rectangular panels as per your desired skirt length. The width of these panels should be approximately six times your hip measurement.

3. Waistband Casing - Cut a strip of fabric that is the same length as your waistband but double the width.

IV. Sewing the Skirt

By following these steps, you will sew your very own American Apparel Tennis Skirt:

1. Waistband Assembly - Fold the waistband fabric in half, right sides facing, and sew the short ends together. This will create a tube.

2. Attaching the Waistband Casing - Fold the casing fabric in half lengthwise, right sides facing, and sew the long edge to form a tube. Next, fold the casing in half vertically, wrong sides facing, and press it flat. Now, insert the waistband tube into the casing and sew along the top edge, leaving a small opening to insert the elastic.

3. Elastic Insertion - Attach a safety pin to one end of the elastic and feed it through the waistband casing. Ensure the elastic is not twisted and sew the ends of the elastic together. Finally, close the opening on the waistband casing.

4. Skirt Construction - With right sides together, sew the side seams of the skirt panels, leaving a small opening at the top for the waistband. Finish the raw edges with a zigzag stitch or by serging.

5. Attaching the Waistband to the Skirt - Match the seam of the waistband with one of the side seams of the skirt panels. Pin the waistband and skirt together, distributing the gathers evenly. Sew the waistband to the skirt, stretching the elastic as you sew.

V. Finishing Touches

Now that your skirt is almost complete, there are a few finishing touches to consider:

1. Hem - Try on the skirt and mark the desired length. Hem the skirt by folding the raw edge over twice and stitching it down. Press the hem for a seamless finish.

2. Trim Excess Fabric - Trim any excess seam allowances to reduce bulk and ensure a cleaner finish.

3. Final Press - Give your completed skirt a final press with an iron to remove any wrinkles and creases.


With some time, effort, and creativity, you can create your own American Apparel Tennis Skirt that fits perfectly and speaks to your personal style. By following this step-by-step guide, you'll have a unique and fashionable piece that will make you look and feel like a tennis superstar. So grab your fabric and sewing kit, and let your creativity shine through in each stitch as you bring your own American Apparel Tennis Skirt to life!

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