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do female professional tennis players have to wear skirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-09-07

Do Female Professional Tennis Players Have to Wear Skirts?


In the world of professional tennis, female players have always been a subject of discussion when it comes to their attire on the court. The iconic tennis skirt has become a symbol of femininity and tradition. However, questions arise as to whether female professional tennis players are obligated to wear skirts, or if it is merely a choice based on personal preference. In this article, we will delve into the history of the tennis skirt, its implications on the game, the controversies surrounding it, and ultimately analyze whether female tennis players should continue to be bound by this dress code.

The Evolution of the Tennis Skirt

1. From Bloomers to Skirts: A Historical Perspective

In the early days of tennis, both male and female players would wear long, heavy garments that allowed minimal movement on the court. However, as the sport evolved, so did the attire. Women transitioned from cumbersome long dresses to more practical apparel. Skirts became increasingly popular, as they allowed greater flexibility and freedom of movement. This shift not only improved players' performance but also brought a sense of liberation to the game.

2. The Rise of the Tennis Skirt as a Symbol

During the 1920s, the legendary tennis player Suzanne Lenglen made waves in the tennis world by defying traditional norms. She popularized shorter skirts and sleeveless tops, introducing a revolution in women's tennis attire. Lenglen's iconic fashion choices not only challenged societal expectations but also elevated the sport's popularity. The tennis skirt began to represent power, grace, and an expression of individuality within the female tennis community.

The Controversies Surrounding Tennis Attire

1. The Double Standard: Male vs. Female Dress Code

One of the central debates surrounding tennis attire is the stark contrast between the dress codes for male and female players. Male players have the freedom to compete in shorts or traditional athletic pants, whereas female players are often scrutinized for deviating from the typical skirt or dress. The apparent double standard has brought attention to the question of whether female athletes are being subjected to unfair expectations.

2. Body Image and Femininity

Critics argue that the pressure on female tennis players to wear skirts perpetuates outdated beauty standards and can negatively affect body image. Some believe that the emphasis on femininity in women's tennis attire is unnecessary, as it prioritizes appearance over skill and performance. This issue raises important discussions about equality, self-expression, and the value placed on a player's physical appearance rather than their athletic ability.

Should Tennis Fashion Be More Inclusive?

1. Embracing Diversity: Cultural and Religious Considerations

Tennis is a global sport, with players from diverse backgrounds and cultures. It is crucial to acknowledge and respect individual religious and cultural beliefs when it comes to clothing choices. Many argue that strict dress codes can exclude players who are uncomfortable wearing skirts for religious or personal reasons, potentially limiting the sport's inclusivity. Promoting an environment that accommodates diverse attire choices allows for a more inclusive and welcoming tennis community.

2. The Case for Freedom of Choice

Advocates for freedom of choice argue that female tennis players, like any athletes, should have the liberty to dress in a way that aligns with their personal preferences and enhances their performance on the court. Allowing players to wear shorts or alternative sportswear enables them to feel more comfortable, confident, and unrestricted during intense matches. By embracing variety in attire, tennis can adapt to a changing world without compromising its traditions.


The longstanding dress code tradition of female tennis players wearing skirts is deeply rooted in history, association with femininity, and the evolution of the sport. However, as society progresses towards gender equality and inclusivity, it is essential to question whether this dress code is still relevant. Female professional tennis players should have the autonomy to choose their attire based on personal comfort, cultural considerations, and the desire for inclusivity. By challenging the status quo and reevaluating dress codes, tennis can create a more equitable and accepting environment for all players, regardless of their gender or background.

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