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what do you wear under tennis skirts

by:INGOR SPORTSWEAR     2023-08-30

What Do You Wear Under Tennis Skirts?


Playing tennis is not just physically demanding but also requires careful consideration of your outfit. One common question that arises is, 'What should I wear under my tennis skirt?' The right undergarment is crucial to ensure comfort, confidence, and freedom of movement on the court. In this article, we will explore the different options available and help you determine what suits you best. Get ready to ace your style game!

The Importance of Choosing the Right Undergarment

When it comes to selecting the right undergarment for your tennis skirt, comfort should be your top priority. The right choice will eliminate distractions, keep you focused, and boost your performance on the court. Additionally, an appropriate undergarment will provide support and help prevent any wardrobe malfunctions, allowing you to play with confidence.

Briefs or Thongs: Pros and Cons

1. Briefs: Many tennis players opt for briefs due to their comfort, coverage, and security. They provide good support and prevent any accidental exposure when running or stretching. They are available in a variety of fabrics, including moisture-wicking materials that help keep you dry during intense matches. However, they may leave visible panty lines under your skirt, which some people find unflattering.

2. Thongs: Thongs are another popular choice among tennis players. They eliminate the problem of visible panty lines, making them a desirable option for those who prioritize a seamless look. However, not everyone finds thongs comfortable, as the lack of coverage might cause discomfort during physically demanding movements.

Compression Shorts: A Blend of Comfort and Style

Compression shorts have gained popularity among tennis players in recent years. They offer a comfortable and supportive fit, allowing for unrestricted movement on the court. Made from elastic materials, they snugly hug your body, providing compression that can help improve blood circulation and reduce muscle fatigue. Additionally, they come in various lengths, from mid-thigh to longer options, allowing you to choose the coverage level that suits you. Compression shorts also come in a wide range of colors, patterns, and styles, adding a touch of personal style to your tennis outfit.

Skorts: The Practical and Stylish Choice

Skorts are a unique combination of a skirt and shorts, providing the best of both worlds. They are designed with built-in shorts beneath a skirt-like outer layer. Skorts offer excellent coverage, allowing you to move freely without worrying about exposing too much skin. They are available in various lengths, from mini to maxi, catering to different style preferences. Skorts are an ideal option for those who want to maintain a feminine look without compromising functionality.

Factors to Consider When Choosing

1. Fabric: Opt for moisture-wicking fabrics, such as nylon or polyester blends, which help keep you dry by wicking away sweat during intense matches. Avoid cotton, as it tends to retain moisture, leading to discomfort.

2. Fit: Choose an undergarment that fits snugly but is not too tight. It should allow for easy movement and not ride up or cause chafing. Avoid undergarments that are too loose, as they may result in potential distractions.

3. Comfort: Prioritize your comfort above all. Consider the materials, seams, and waistband design to ensure you can focus on your game without any discomfort or distractions.

4. Length: If you prefer extra coverage, go for longer options like mid-thigh or longer compression shorts or skorts. For more freedom of movement, shorter options like briefs or mini-skorts might be more suitable.

5. Personal Style: Your outfit should make you feel confident and reflect your personal style. Choose undergarments that match your aesthetics and make you look and feel good on the court.


Choosing the right undergarment for your tennis skirt is vital for an enjoyable and successful game. Briefs, thongs, compression shorts, and skorts are all viable options, each with its pros and cons. Consider factors such as comfort, fit, fabric, length, and personal style when making your choice. Remember, the perfect undergarment will provide the necessary support, boost your confidence, and allow you to focus on your game without any distractions. So, get out there, find your perfect match, and conquer the tennis court!

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